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Today I woke up feeling sad again. I don't know why but for the past week I've felt like this; maybe its cuz I miss my friends and family or I'm sick of being lonely. Tomorrow is my 28th birthday and since I won't be able to go home I'll be throwing myself an early birthday party and inviting all my YouTube friends like Lauren, Alex, Dom, Swoozie, and some other people. This should get me out of my sad mood, I need to enjoy myself more. I'm all about work, work, work. I haven't had a break in a long ass time. Today should be refreshing but something is bothering me, I feel like I'm forgetting someone but who could it be. I grab my phone and go through my messages to see who'll be able to make it and who won't. Dom said he's too busy and Swoozie said he can't make it because of some project he has to do. Lauren and Alex are on their way to Paris and Humble is in Canada with his family. I guess tonight will only be me and my vodka, oh and Yousef, he hasn't cancelled yet has he? OH MY GOD! YOUSEF!! He's the person I forgot to invite, how could I forget Yousef, did someone give me drugs without me knowing? I immediately message him and realized we haven't talked in so long. I can't remember the last time I saw Yousef; I think it was in New York about 3 months ago. Dang it's been so long I actually miss him. Maybe that's why I'm sad usually he'd be the only one to be able to brighten my mood. Don't get me wrong, I have other friends but Yousef makes me feel special. Usually if someone makes you feel special like that you'd always want to be with them. And it's not like he hasn't asked me out yet, but I keep rejecting him each time. I value our friendship too much, I don't want us to date and then not work out and not be able to stand each other being in the same room. I can't imagine what my life would've been like without Yousef. Look at me and Aman, we were great friends then we dated and realized we don't like each other like that, now we don't talk to each other anymore. I miss him, should I text him? NO GET UP LILLY!! You act like you have all the time in the world but you don't plus your deadlines are getting closer and closer and you haven't done shit. Ughhhh fine I'll get up, I can't even have a break on my own damn birthday!


The sun was shining outside, typical L.A. weather. I look to my left and see Alycia still sound asleep. I'm finally happy with the way my life has been going. I may get a lot of hate but they just make me more money and give me more views. I tell my audience not to sweat the small stuff so why should I? I grab my phone and check my messages and emails. As I was scrolling I saw Lilly's nickname Pocahontas, I'll be honest I almost scrolled right past it and would've never realized she messaged. I open up her message and see that it's an invite to her party, I know she forgot to invite me but that didn't mean I wouldn't have gone, plus there that surprise birthday party her manger is throwing for her later today, I hope she enjoys herself and wont busy herself with work. Thinking of Lilly, I realized that I haven't seen her since she surprised me at the Roman vs. Fousey show, that was 3 months ago!! Man I miss her, it's been so long but she's been busy and so have I. I remember when I saw her in New York I asked her if shed date me but like always she rejected me and told me the same thing she told me the other 100 times I asked her out, "Yousef, I value our friendship too much and I don't want to lose you if we don't work out". I get it I truly do but damn I can't lie and say I don't have feelings for her; I still do and even though I'm with Alycia part of me still wants her. Lilly makes me feel some type of way that I don't feel with any other girl. Alycia deserves better and I agree, I even admitted to her that I still have feelings for Lilly but she believes that if we stay together that feelings will go away. The only problem is, do I want those feelings to go away?

**sorry I haven't posted you guys. hurricane Mathew really hit us hard but I will be posting more often I promise. I hope you guys enjoy this story, it may seem boring but trust me it will get interesting. :)**

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