*5 years later*

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I woke up feeling different today. For the past five years I have woken up sad and depressed. My depression came back but I'm doing everything in my power to stop it from taking over like before. It's been 5 years. 5 painful years. You're probably wondering what am I doing now? What have I accomplished? Who am I with? If I'm married, do I have kids? Well let me catch you up. I'll start from the day the only person I truly ever cared about walked out of my life. Shortly after Yousef left I took a break from YouTube, not knowing how much people would leave me, but I needed a break. I was a mess, emotionally unstable plus I didn't know what I wanted in life anymore. After Yousef told me to find my happiness and stop lying to myself I realized he was right. I kept telling everyone I was happy but in reality I was stressed and unhappy. So after my break I learned to love myself more and to enjoy the nice things in life plus not work too hard. I wrote my second book and stared in movies with Leonardo DiCaprio and Angelina Jolie plus Brad pit. I also star in a new t.v. show. Life has been treating me good. YouTube is almost over but I still have a few supporters supporting me. When I began seeing my views and subscribers go down I knew YouTube was coming to an end. I always knew it would because there's always something new coming out. I remember crying to my mom about it and how I won't have a job no more, she told me to never lose faith and that she'll always be there for me. YouTube helped me get through my depression and I thought that if I stopped YouTube I would relapse back. Well I didn't, sort of, I'm sad but not depressed. I think the reason I'm sad is because I'm tired of being lonely. I've experienced many wonderful things in life but I never had someone to share them with. I think I'm ready to settle down and maybe even start a family. But with who? I always told myself there's only one person meant for me but I guess he doesn't want me. The right person for me will come around, if it's meant to be then it will be. But for now, I should probably get up and pack. YouTube is having a conference with all the big Youtubers Friday. I guess they want to try one more thing to bring YouTube back to life before shutting its doors. YouTube is the reason I'm set for life so me attending this event is the least I could do to repay them for all the success they brought into my life. I wonder what ever Youtubers will be there. I miss Alex and Lauren so much and my goddaughter Arial. It's been so long since I last talked to them, I think it's been a month maybe a little more. Arial is two years old now and must look beautiful. I can't wait to see them. I got a text from Alex's new number and he asked if I wanted to meet up at the park around the Connor from my place. Of course I agreed, how could I not? Anyways I really am excited about seeing everyone again, it's been so long and everyone just went their separate ways. I wonder if Yousef will be there. WAIT WHAT! Where did that thought come from? I haven't seen Yousef in 5 years and he never showed up to all the YouTube events, why would he show up Friday? I'll be honest I still have feelings for him and if I was honest with myself, the main reason I'm still single is because I still want to be with him. There's no denying my feelings for him, even after all these years, I still like him, but he doesn't want me. when will I finally accept the fact that we weren't meant to be? Okay Lilly enough procrastinating, get up and pack and get ready to go to the airport. I'm excited about tomorrow, I haven't felt like this in so long! This week is going to be a great week, I can feel it.


As I lay in bed I think of all that's happened in the past 5 years. I moved to New Jersey to be happy, truthfully at first I wasn't, I'll be honest I regretted leaving Lilly. Lilly was the only positive thing that happened in my whole life, she was the one who got me through so much, and the one who kept me from relapsing into depression again. You're probably wondering why I left her then? Why didn't I stay? Well I honestly don't know. Part of me wanted to stay with her and see where our relationship will go but part of me was furious at her for waiting so damn long to tell me she liked me. I wanted her so badly but she kept rejecting me and when I finally made the decision to move on she wants to admit her feelings for me! I was young and stupid back then and I wanted her to feel the pain I felt when I couldn't have her. But why am I thinking about Lilly, that part of my life is over. Some good things that happened these last few years were one, I wrote my own book, two, I started giving motivational speeches, I also reached new fame. I stared in a movie with Dwayne the rock Johnson and Kevin Heart. Me and Alycia split up after a year of dating, I kept lying to myself saying I was happy but in reality I just wanted to forget about Lilly. she was the one who told me straight up that I wasn't happy anymore and that I still have feelings for Lilly but I was trying to avoid them. I wasn't happy in our relationship and I knew I had a huge impact on Alycia's emotions so when I was sad she was sad. She deserves better and I wasn't the right guy for her. After she left me I continued to hustle and tried to stay happy, and I was for a while. But at the moment I'm sad, and I know the reason why; I'm tired of being lonely, there is one person who's meant for me and she's thousands of miles' way. God if you're listing to me please give me another chance to make things right again. I promise not to screw up this time. Thinking of when the next time I'll see Lilly I remember that there's that YouTube event happening in L.A. this Friday, which means I'll have to go back to L.A. For a while I didn't attend these things but this may be the last time I'll ever see any of my old YouTube friends because YouTube might close its doors soon and I may never see all those wonderful people again. YouTube say they have one more thing up their sleeve and hopefully YouTube will be brought to life again but they need all the popular Youtubers help. YouTube brought so much pain, misery, and sadness into my life but also allowed me to experience things I never thought I'd experience and allowed me to meet some dope ass people and also helped me accomplish some of my dreams like walk my mom down the red carpet. There's two sides of YouTube but I choose to think of only the positive things YouTube has done for me instead of the horrible ones. If it wasn't for YouTube I would've never meet Lilly, nor would I have meet Alex and Lauren and never in a million years would've imagined having the honor to become my best friend's daughter's godfather. Alex and Lauren finally got married two years ago and had this beautiful angle sent form heaven named Arial. Alex choose me to be her godfather over his own brother and I was so blessed. Whenever I see Arial I feel this joy that I've never felt before, god it's been so long since I last saw them, I really miss them. speaking of missing them I got this message form Alex, I guess he got a new number, telling me to meet him at this park near my old apartment. I wasn't thrilled about going back to L.A. since it's been so long but I can't wait to see the Lorex fameree again. I should probably get out of bed now and finish packing. I leave to go to the airport in about 5 hours. I have this strange feeling though, but I like it. I feel like this week will finally be a good week for me.

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