Can't Do This Anymore Part 2

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When I was finally done cleaning, I went to Lilly's office. She was stressed but that didn't stop her from hustling. "You missed family movie night again" I said scaring her.

"I'm sorry. It's just I have so much deadlines due " she said as she undid her hair and put it back up in a bun

"So, your saying your deadlines are more important than your daughter's happiness" I said leaning against the door frame

" what of course not! I explained to her why I can't do family movie night "she said looking confused

"Lilly so far every time we get ready for family movie night you always cancel" I said

"Well I'm sorry Yousef. I'm a busy woman" she said as she turned her attention back to her computer

"That woman needs to know when to stop and find time to spend with her family" I said raising my tone a little

"I do spend time with my family. But sometimes my work takes longer than expected. I'm sorry you don't enjoy doing your work as much or else you would do the same thing" She snapped

"If your work is so damn important than why did you agree to the damn contract" I said angrily

"Because I love Arial and I would never give her up for adoption" she said bristling

"Well Arial sure doesn't feel that love" I said getting irritated

"What the hell are you talking about? Arial knows how much I love and care for her" she said confused

"That's where your wrong. During the movie, Arial was crying so I asked her what's was wrong and guess what she says" I said still frustrated at her

"What?" she said innocently

"She asked if her mommy loves her or not" I said bitterly

"What?... Why would she think otherwise? I tell her I love her each and every single day. She's literally the only reason I never relapsed into depression and didn't crash land after you broke me" she said sadly

"Well apparently, you don't show her how much you love her. A kid her age needs more than words to prove something." I said a little harshly. I was still mad at her

"Are you saying I don't love her?!" she said accusingly

"What? Where did you get that from? I know you love her but damn Lilly honestly I don't think you're a good mom" I said calmly

"Why the fuck not Yousef? Is it because I'm not in the kitchen all day and don't have dinner cooked when you come home or wash clothes every day. I'm not a maid and I never will be" she said frustratingly

"WHAT THE FUCK? I'm not asking you to do any of those things. Never have I once complained about dinner being late and I wash my own damn clothes. A moms job isn't just about cooking as cleaning. It's also about being there for her children. Helping them find their ways in this game called life. It's about teaching them the rights from wrongs. Showing them that love isn't just saying I love you when dropping them off at daycare. And that's not just a moms job it's both the mom and dad's job. Me and you have a daughter who is so brilliant and talented and amazing. She's so kind hearted and always thinks about our happiness before her own. But what have we done to show our love to her other than say it? I mean I'm trying at least. I keep my work at work and when I come home I make sure to spend at least two to three hours with her. You know she picked the movie Moana to watch today because you said you loved that movie over dinner last night? Lilly when are you going to realize that life isn't only about work. You used to tell me to live in the moment and now look at you. Not only is your daughter having second thoughts about your love for her but your missing out on precious moments. She's not going to be this young forever. It's these moments that are worth a life time. But don't take my word or it. Ask your sister or your friends they'll tell you. I know you say I'm always trying to control you and tell you what to do like telling you to stop working but this time I'm not going to tell you to do anything. You have to realizes your mistakes and fix them yourself. So if work is what you want to continue doing then go right ahead. As for me, I'm going to go lay in bed and think of some fun father daughter things I can do with Arial tomorrow." With that I left her office without giving her a chance to reply and walked to my room. It's all up to her now.

what will Lilly do now? part 3 coming soon! 


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