Enough is Enough

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It's been three days and I haven't heard a word from Yousef. He hasn't been answering my calls or messages and to be honest I haven't had the time to go check up on him. Ever since I ran into Lilly I've been trying to help her out with her plan to escape. Turns out she needed the extra hand but was determined to do it all by herself. But right now, Yousef was my main focus I need to go check on him. There's no way he would go out of town without telling me because I'm the one who books his tickets. Maybe he's back to his normal self and drowning in work just like me? I don't know, all I hope is that he's safe and healthy and happy. I wonder how he'll react when I give him the letter Lilly wrote?


I was still sitting on my couch, I only get up to get another drink or to use the bathroom. I sit on this couch for hours, maybe even days, just thinking about how my life always manages to ruin my happiness.

I was deep in thought when I heard someone knock the door. There's only one person who comes to my place so early during the day and I didn't want to see their sticking face ever again, so I just ignored it hoping they would think I'm not home and leave. But of course, Simmi kept knocking on my door and eventually when she realized I was going to answer she gave up. I let out a sigh of relief when she stopped but just as the air left my mouth my cell phone rang. DAMN IT! I forgot to put the volume down. Ughhhhhh, no need to act like I'm not home now.

I thought about answering but I hoped she'd think I'm asleep and would leave but instead she unlocked the door with the spare key me and Lilly gave her and slammed it shut. Fuck. I forgot she had a key, damn it.

"Why didn't you answer the door? Do you know how worried I was out there"?

"maybe because I didn't want to...."

"why not? And why haven't you been answering my messages and calls?"

"I don't have to explain myself to you"

"I was so worried about you"

"Yeah right. You don't give a fuck about me"

"What? Why would you say that Yousef? Of course, I care about you. I only want what's best for you"

"I'm not in the mood for this stupid game you're playing sim. Leave... Now"

"What? Your kicking me out? What the hell? What's wrong Yousef? What happened"


Yousef wasn't listening to me. Why was he so mad? What did I do wrong?

I've known Yousef for a long time and I know when he's that mad there's no reasoning with him but I still had to try.

I made Lilly write a second letter to Yousef just in case he didn't believe the first one like me. She was counting on me to get these letters to him and right now he's being stubborn.

"Yousef please listen I had to tell you something about Lilly"

"I don't want to know anything about you nor Lilly. Now leave!"

"I will not leave till you explain to me why you're in this mood. What happened these last few days?"

"What happened? What happened! I'll tell you what happened! You and Lilly happened! she and You broke me, what else do you want! No need to rub it in. I'm not stupid Simmi, I don't know what y'all got out of breaking me but you succeeded. Now get out of my house or... or...Or I'll call the police!"

"What are you talking about? How'd I break you? I've done nothing but be by your side!"

"Cut the shit Simmi. Leve now, I'm not playing I will call the police" he said as he picked up his phone and started to dial.

"FINE! I'll leave but ONLY because I'll get nowhere if I stay talking to you. I'll find out what happens and why your acting this way." I said as I turned around and walked out the door but before I did I made sure to leave the note Lilly wrote right next to his shoes so he'll see it when he goes out and will be curious to read it. knowing Yousef, that's probably the only way he'll read it.

I need to see what happened in these last three days when I was busy. I should start by calling Ali or maybe Aaron, they're the ones closest to him, they should know, right?


I felt horrible for yelling at sim like that and I hated myself for feeling that way. her and Lilly deserve none of my pity, they're probably enjoying life not giving two shits about me and I'm here reminiscing about the good old days. Maybe I should go out somewhere, see a movie or something to help get my mind off all this drama for a bit. I should probably also get back to my gym routine or else I'm going to look like 23-year-old Yousef and I don't want to do that. you know what, I should call Aaron and we can hit the gym together. Hopefully he's available this time of day.

Aaron was down to go to the gym right now, just because he also hasn't been on that gym grind lately. I thought about walking to the gym since it's so close but biking would help workout those thigh muscles, and god knows my legs needed the extra workout.

When I went to grab my shoes, I saw that there were these small pieces of paper folded into a square shape sitting next to my Yeezes. Part of me knew Simmi must've put them there for a reason and would want me to read them but I shouldn't, but the other part of me was so curious to know what's inside. I picked up the papers and examined then. One was signed by Lilly with a heart on top and the other was just plain. Why would Lilly write me a letter five months later? Did she spot me at the park before I could escape? Is this a trick or something?

I was at war with myself for a while, not know what to do. I finally ended up deciding to call the one person who knows Lilly like the back of his hand. Maybe he can help shed some light into what's going on with her and about her boyfriend too. I sat back on my couch and made the call. Its time I knew the truth.

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