The Truth...

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Previously on the rise and fall of yoully:

Yousef received threatening messages from a number that was very familiar to him. He was told to meet that person at a certain address which he did. When he got there that person was Alycia Tyre.



She was scrolling through Instagram on her phone smiling not bothering to look up.

I repeated myself but this time a little louder "ALYCIA"

She looked up and her smile disappeared. She looked confused but I didn't fall for that shit. This was probably part of her plan or something.

"Yousef....? What are you doing here?" She said shocked to see me standing in front of her

"Cut the games Alycia. What the eff do you want from me and why'd you message me" I said getting a little pissed.

"what the fuck are you talking about? I haven't messaged you in YEARS" she said confused

What kind of game was she playing or was she being serious? I looked over at sim who was probably thinking the same thing as me. I pulled out my phone and messaged sim the number that sent me those messages and asked her to go to the bathroom and call that number. If Alycia's phone doesn't ring, then we'll know for sure that it wasn't her but if it does.... I don't know what I'd do honestly, but I'll make sure she never lays a hand on my girls.

"what are you doing here Alycia?" I said trying to distract her while Simmi goes forward with our plan

"me? I come here every day! I love Starbucks don't you remember?" she said a little sad

"oh, you right!! I forgot my bad" I lied

"the real question is, what are YOU doing HERE?"

"a guy can't come to Starbucks and get some black coffee now ah days?"

"yeah but why'd you come up to my table?"

" couldn't believe it was you! It's been so long! How are you? How's your family?" I said struggling to find the right reply. What the eff was taking Simmi so damn long

"awe you miss me don't you, how cute. I've been good and so has my family. To be honest I've missed you too" she said putting her hand on mine

"I don't miss you" I snapped and moved my hand away.

"what the fuck is going on Yousef. Why are you here then? I'm here every day and I've never seen you come here once. Are you following me?"

"following you? WHAT! You wish"

Just as I got up to leave I saw Simmi walking towards our table. She must've called which mean Alycia wasn't the one who sent that message but why did her called ID show up?

"alright I'll tell you the truth about why I'm really here but first I need to know what you did with your old number?" I said sitting back down

"my old number? Which one? I've changed my number about ten times"

"ten time! Why?"

"because I liked saying new number who dis"


"yeah and it sort of made me feel like I was getting a fresh start. Now tell me why you're here"

I explained everything to her and made her swear not to tell anyone, especially Lilly. after asking her over and over that it wasn't her who messaged me and her denying it each time I finally believed her. Me and sim got up to leave and Alycia hugged both of us and made us promise to stay in touch, which there was no way in hell that would happen.

Back in the car I was still a little bit stressed. Whoever sent those messages sure went through a lot to get Alycia's old number. I had to make sure nothing ever happens to Lilly and Arial, even if it means not being around them as much, until I find out who this person was and what they're planning. Once I get home ill call Ali and see if his computer geek friend still knows how to track phone numbers. Not being near my girls as often as id like is going to kill me but I must do this, for their safety, they mean the world to me.


I was sitting on the couch watching say yes to the dress on TLC when my phone buzzed. At first I didn't want to see who was messaging because I wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone but what if something had happened to Yousef. I picked up the phone but saw that it was an anonymous number. I debated whether or not to see the message that they sent, what harm could it do if I saw the message right? I unlocked my phone and saw that they had sent a picture, I touched the picture to make it bigger and saw that it was Yousef....... holding hands with Alycia.......

Just as I was about to inspect the picture to look for ways that this picture could've been photo shopped Yousef walked in through the front door with a big ass smile on his face. THE NEVER OF THIS DAMN MAN!!!


Hope you guys are enjoying this book so far! I have so much ideas running through my head but I swear when It comes to putting it down on paper my mind goes blank. Please tell me I'm not the only one lol.

Thanks for reading loves,


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