The decision

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Me and Yousef sat there staring at each other in disbelief. Alex and Lauren are gone and literally gave us no choice but to get married or give up Arial. There was no way in hell was I going to give up my goddaughter. No matter what anyone offered me id never agree. Alex and Lauren trusted us to make the right decision and take care of their baby girl for them; I'm not going to let them down. The only problem is... I don't think Yousef agrees. He's scared of commitment, and I get it, he's been hurt so much in the past and when someone hurts you badly its hard to have faith in someone ever again. I wish I could go back time and make sure that bitch never hurt him but what's done is done. I also wish I can talk to him like I used to, before he left me, but its been 5 years, 5 painful, stressful, long years. I don't know the man he's become let alone feel like I know him at all. I made up my mind about Arial but I'm too scared to say something because I'm scared he might not agree. God please give him the common sense to make the right decision.


As I look into Lilly's eyes I remember what I asked god yesterday. I wanted another chance and here it was; now it was up to me, what will be my decision? Not thinking about Lilly for a second I remember the good times me Alex and Lauren spent together. They were like family to me. They comforted me through my lowest of lowest and celebrated my highest or heights. Arial handed me back my phone and got up and went to Marie so she could push her on the swings. Looking at my goddaughter I was mad at myself for even thinking about giving her up for adoption. There was no way in hell I would ever do that to her or my best friends. They helped me through so much this is nothing compared to what I owe them. ill give up my life for them, but all they're asking of me is to watch over their baby girl as she tries to find her way in life. I can do that 100%. The only part that might work out is me and Lilly. I can tell I've hurt her and still cause her pain, shit I caused myself pain as well. We have to make our decision now and I can tell she wants me to really take my time and think about this decision and I have.

Y: "I wont give up my little angle no matter what"

L: "I was just thinking the same thing. I didn't want you to feel like you were rushed in making this decision"

Y: "you agree and thanks I appreciate that?"

L: "just look at her, how can you give up on her when she has no one left. Plus Alex and Lauren helped both of us get through some rough times, this is the least we can do to repay them"

Y: "I agree, what about their conditions though?"

L: "yeah... what about them?"

Y: "you'll marry me?"

L: "not the way I ever expected to get asked that question but yes. If it means helping my goddaughter in any way then I'm in."

Y: "what about living together"

L: "we should decide where we will live first don't you think? Alex and Lauren have conditions and I agree to them, what about you?"

Y: "I also agree but what if we don't work out"

L: "Yousef its too soon for 'what if's'. lets take this one step at a time. Our friends are counting on us"

Y: "you know ill be hones; yesterday I asked god for another chance to make thing right between us, and here we are"

L: "well this time we cant be selfish, we have to think about what's best for our daughter as well."

Y: "our daughter. I like the sound of that"

With that Lilly and Yousef got up and walked over to Marie to tell her their decision.

* up in heaven Alex and Lauren look down at their best friends smiling. they knew they  made the right decision choosing these two. *

I hope you guys are enjoying this story. I'll be honest I've already written half this story but it needs to be typed up and i suck at typing, plus my classes take up half my day. today's chapter wasn't really long so expect two chapters tomorrow. one short one long :) please leave me any feedback and tell me what you want to happen, I'm trying to make this book amazing and could use your help. Thanks, xoxo

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