The Task pt:1

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I jolted awake, only to realize it was dark outside. the sun wasn't out yet which means I'm still supposed to be asleep, but I had the scariest dream just now and there was no way I would be able to sleep after that dream. Plus, my head was killing me! it felt like someone hit me on my head with a rock or something. I should probably go take an Advil or something and go back to sleep.

Just as I was about to get up I realized I realized I was in chains. What the fuck? Why am I in chains?

"Yo, she's awake" I heard a mainly voice say

"who's there?" I yelled at the darkness around me.

Is someone in my house, are they trying to rob us? OH, MY GOD, ARIAL!!!

"ARIAL!!!! ARIAL!!! Where's my daughter!! please don't hurt her!!" I frantically yelled

God please let her be okay, she's my life. If anything happens to her, I'll never forgive myself. Yousef will probably kill me. YOUSEF!! Could he possibly still be asleep through all this? I always thought he was a light sleeper, but maybe I was wrong. I need go get out of these chains, NOW.

I tried to escape out of the chains but I had no luck. I remember watching YouTube videos of people who would break their hand and would escape out of handcuffs. Should I do that? of course not you idiot, there's no way you can take out those burglars with one hand. I should try the bobby pin trick but damnit I didn't have a bobby pin in my hair. All right plan b then, all I need was a paper clip, there should be one on my bedside table.

Just as I was about to twist my hand so I can reach, I heard the one voice I never wanted to hear ever again.

"Good morning princess" Aman said somewhere in the darkness.

Aman? What was he doing in my house?

When he turned on the light to the room I realized I wasn't home. I was in this empty room with nothing but a small dresser. What the....

"it's nice to have you home babe"

"babe? What? What am I doing here Aman, how'd I get here?"

"don't you remember what happened what happened yesterday?"


I tried think long and hard about what the eff he was talking about. what happened yesterday?

Just then I get a rush of moments that took place yesterday. I remember Yousef leaving to go to find whoever sent those threatening messages and I also remember that me and Arial where going to go to the park but before we could leave someone knocked the door and....

"you drugged me..." I said softly still in shock

"You piece of shit!! Where am I? Why did you drug me?! Where's my daughter?"

"Now now that's no way to talk to your boyfriend"

"Ex-boyfriend. Why did you drug me Aman" I hissed at him

"I always loved the way you said my name"

"You're sick. Whatever your sick plan is Isn't going to work. Yousef won't stop till he finds me"

"DONT SAY HIS NAME IN MY PRESENCE." He said losing the calmness in his voice that was there before

"Everything is going according to plan. And soon you'll be mine again and he won't be in the picture" he said after taking deep breaths to calm himself

"in yo dream!"

"We'll see about that. If you don't listen to me and follow my lead you won't see your precious daughter and 'husband' ever again"

"Don't you dare lay one finger on them"

"I'm not promising anything. But I'll try if and only if you do as I say"

"I want to see Arial first"

"You'll be reunited with her when you complete your first task"

"What task?"


I'm going to lose my mind. I didn't know what to do!! Why would Aman want Lilly and Arial? How did he find us? Will he hurt them?

"Sim I can't survive without them"

"We'll find them Yousef. I promise"

"what if we don't and he hurts them"

"we will find them Yousef. We won't stop until we do. I just hope we find them in time"

"I've never been more scared in my life"

"you and me both. I loved the both of them too"

"we need to start looking for clues or something, ask the neighbors if they've seen that red Camry anywhere else."

"already ahead of you, but there's one teeny tiny problem. Your neighbors are out of town..."

"then we'll find another way. I've called the police and hired a screech crew, maybe they'll be able to help us"

"I also have another idea, but I don't think you'll like it"

"I don't care what I like or don't like. I want my girls home safely"

"okay, so, we can always ask Alycia if she saw that car or Aman before"

"no. there is no way in hell I'm seeing her again. She's the reason I'm in this mess in the first place!"

"I know and I'm with you but if Aman sent those messages then that means he went through a lot to act like he was Alycia. I mean how would he have known she goes to the same Starbucks every day?"

"I don't like this plan sim"

"it's the only chance we got. Maybe we can pry some information out of her"

"..... fine, but she better not come near me. the last time she did me and Lilly had a huge argument"

"okay, I'll go call her" sim said as she pulled out her phone

I turned and looked out my office window at the blue sky. God, you answered my prayers before and I'm hoping you can answer them again; please let them be okay and please help me find them before it's too late"

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