The Time We Were Screwed...PT:2

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"No sweetie it's not jasmine. She'll be here in a bit though. Why don't you show these boys your new toy that daddy got you?" I said to Arial who started jumping up and down and clapping her hands

"Okay!! Come on let's go!! My daddy got me a car!!" Arial said excited as she ran to her room while my nephews followed her.

"Mommy and daddy? What the fuck..." Tina said as she stared at Arial

"Is this some type of prank you two are pulling on us?" Herpreet said confused as ever.

" we swear it's not a prank. Why don't you guys come in and we can tell you everything. " Yousef said while opening the door wider for them to come in.

"No. I'm calling mom and dad Lilly. Whatever it is that's going on here is probably the reason you got married so fast. And I bet it's not something mom and dad would approve of." Tina said getting mad.

"before you call can you please listen to what we have to say first?" I said

"Lilly.... You're my sister I don't want to see you hurt. Whatever it is that's going on here I'm going to have to tell mom as dad. I can't promise you that I can keep this a secret. YOUR A MOM FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!" Tina said.

"yeah... it's a long story. But what I want to know is what you're doing here? You never came and visited me, not even for my movie premier"

"hellllllooooooooo Canadian thanksgiving? Mom and dad thought it would be a good idea to come here and spend it with you so that you didn't spend it alone since he's not Canadian" Tina said

"oh, my god. How could I forget? L.A. has changed me!!.... wait you said mom and dad were coming as well? When will they get here?" I said panicking a little

"luckily for you they couldn't make it. dads not feeling well enough to travel."

"what's wrong with dad? I spoke with them yesterday and he seemed fine"

"it's just a small cold. The weather keeps changing. One day its hot and sunny the next its cold and snowy"

"you swear that it just a cold?"


"okay... now about Arial"

*they all sat down and Yousef and Lilly told them everything*

"So, her real parents are gone?" Herpreet said

"Yeah." Yousef said sadly

"What about their families? Relatives? Anyone other than you two?" Tina said still trying to process all the information

"They don't want her. Her uncle just recently reached out to me so he can see her but that's about a week from now. I guess he's finally ready to meet his niece" Yousef said

"WHAT? I didn't know that. When were, you planning on telling me" I said mad that he would keep something like this secret.

"He messaged me today I swear. I was going to tell you when jasmine came over so that we can discuss how this should go down. I swear I wasn't going to keep it from you" Yousef said rubbing my thigh

I know Yousef would never keep something like this from me. We made a promise to each other.

"I believe you. I'm just a little shocked and truthfully a little scared. Why does he want to see her all of a sudden?" I said putting my hand to his cheek.

"We'll get through it together" he said as he put his hand over my hand.


"Sorry. What else did you want to know?" Yousef said

"WHY THE TWO OF YOU?? I'm sure they have other friends"

"I thought that too. Then I realized that they might blame themselves for us not getting together sooner." I said

"What do you mean?" Yousef said confused

"Before you and Alycia started talking I talked I Lauren about you. I told her my feelings and she told me I only felt that way towards you because you were good looking and the fact that at the time I hadn't been with anyone for a long time" I said hoping I made sense

"What?" Tina said

"wait so they blame themselves? I remember before I got with Alycia I asked Alex if I should or shouldn't get with her. He already knew my feeling for you. But still he advised me to move on" Yousef said connecting the dots

"So, they didn't want you two to get together but they made you godparents and in their wills listed you two as parents of their child if anything happened to them. WHAT?!" Tina said

"They thought we'd hurt each other if we got together back then. But I'm guessing they realized that it was the other way around. We hurt each other by walking away just like they told us to do. They must've blamed themselves and wanted to make things right again" I said

"ohhh I get it... sort of...So you two are really parents. I always wondered why she was always around you two but I figured her parents were always busy" tian said

"Yes, she's our daughter. She just started opening up to us and calling us mommy and daddy. She's the light of my world." I said feeling protective of Arial

"Kids have that effect on us. Just wait till she grows up a little more. That's when it gets real hectic." Tina said jokingly

"It'll be worth it." I said smiling.

I didn't want Arial to grow up but I was eager to help her find her spot in this world. She's an amazing girl who can accomplish anything she puts her mind to.

"Yeah.... So how are you going to tell mom and dad? Do your parents know yousef?" Herpreet said

"No, my parents don't know. No one knows. Just Simmi, a close friend of ours. I don't know how I'm going to tell them either. I don't want to lose their trust nor do I want to lose my baby girl" Yousef replied

"well I'm sure you two know what you're doing. And if you guys ever need anything we'll be a phone call away" Tina said

"What? You're not going to snitch?" I said acting shocked.

"Okay first of all it's not snitching and no. Honestly if I was in your position I'd do the same thing." Tina said shrugging her shoulders

"Thanks Tina" I said as I got up and hugged her.

"Your welcome sis. Now let's talk about what should we cook for tomorrow." Tian said

"cook? That's always been moms job" I whined. Cooking wasn't my strong suit.

"well you're a mom now so you better start learning" Tina said

"that's true. Come on let's go see what we need so that we can buy it." I said

With that me and Tina made our way to the kitchen while the boys went outside to talk. I felt relieved that Tina and Herpreet knew the truth now and that I didn't have to hide anything from them. now all that's left is to tell my parents....

SOOOOOOOOOO........ Can we talk about how Yousef and Alycia broke up? I have nothing against Alycia and I feel bad for her and all but like....YOULLY IS ALIVE AGAIN!! 

thanks for reading <3


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