Canadian thanksgiving ✔️

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Tina and Herpreet cooked and me and Yousef washed the dishes. It's was only fair since me and Yousef weren't good at cooking anything. For only eight people there was a shitload of dishes and they seemed to never finish. Yousef would clean the plates and put them in the sink and I would wash them, let's just say after a while I

"I'm tireddddd!!! My hands are going to fall off" I complained as I washed a plate and handed it to Yousef

"Stop whining. We made a deal and you agreed. Wash those dishes and don't argue. Look at Yousef he hasn't said a word" Tina said from across the room.

We made a deal that her and Herpreet would cook, since I didn't know how to, and Yousef and me would wash the dishes. It was a pretty fair deal but I'm starting to regret it. Me and Yousef have been waging dishes for the past hour and I swear we haven't even phased the pile of dishes. Your probably like why don't you use the dishwasher? BECAUSE IM FOREIGN!! We don't use dishwashers, which was stupid, but that's how we grew up. You know the saying old habits die hard?

"We're almost done Lilly come on. We got this." Yousef said trying to get me to stop complaining and work faster.

"She's used to being little MS. Spoiled. When's the last time you washed dishes that you didn't put in the sink" Tina said trying to talk smack

"For your info, I have a daughter who loves to eat" I snapped back

"How much you wanna bet that Yousef is the one who washes Arial's dishes. Your probably holed up in your office." Tina said

"I'm sorry babe but that's true. Before our talk, you were always holed up I your office." Yousef said

"You're supposed to be on my side!! Traitor!" I said as I flicked some soap on his face.

He laughed and wiped the dish soap off his face.

"Tina, weren't you supposed to go out" I said trying to change the topic

"Yeah. I just need to get the boys to put on their shoes so that we can leave but they're too busy playing."

"I'll go get them" Herpreet said and got up

Maybe me Yousef and Arial also go out tonight. Today was supposed to be girls shopping day but Tina had showed up at our door and everything got canceled. Maybe I can convince Yousef to go costume shopping with us. OH!! We can get matching family costumes!! I wonder if Yousef will agree....

After what seemed like forever me and Yousef were finally done with the dishes. Tina had managed to pry the boys from the playroom by promising them to come back and Arial was now playing house with jasmine. Me and Yousef were sitting on the couch just being lazy when his phone rang. He picked it up and saw the caller ID and frowned.

"Who is it babe?" I said being noisy

"Wrong number that's all" Yousef said.



Phew. Thank god Lilly didn't question me anymore. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the caller ID. Why would this person be calling me after years of not talking? After not answering their phone call I got a message saying they wanted to meet me but why? This person shouldn't even be here in LA. Last I heard of them they had moved to New York to start a new business. I was going to brush it off and act like that person didn't call me but then I got a text that made me panic.


meet me at 4056 Edgewood Rd in half an hour or you'll never see your precious family again

Something was going on and I had to know what it was before something bad happens. But first I needed an excuse to leave the house but I didn't want to lie to Lilly. I wanted her to never lose her trust in me but I really had to leave and I know if she knew who the person was she'd want to tag along and I can't have that. What can I say that would be truthful but not to truthful?


"Babe I'm going to go to Simmi's place. I have some papers I need from over there" I said as I got up.

"Okay but you won't be, long will you?" She said looking at me with innocent eyes.

"No I promise I'll try and be quick"

I said as I gave her a quick kiss and walked to my room to get dressed.

*Simmi's place*

I knocked Simmi's door about ten times before she answered. Apparently, e was taking a nap because she looked like a tornado hit her.

"Get dressed Simmi. We've got a problem" I said in a serious voice.

Even though she was still half asleep she saw that I wasn't joking and straightened herself.

"Yeah, sure. Give me a sec though." She said as she ran to her room

That's the thing I like about Simmi. She never questioned me. She trusted me with her life. For all she knows I could be taking her to her death.

In what seemed like a minute Simmi came out of her room looking beautiful as ever. I would've had to wait at least half an hour for Lilly to get ready.

"I'm ready" Simmi said

"Let's go"


I pulled in to a Starbucks that was about fifteen minutes away from my house. This is where I was supposed to meet them.

"Should we go inside?" I asked sim

"To be honest I don't even know what's going on" sim said

"Let's go inside and you'll see what the problem is" I said as I got out of my car and walked towards the Starbucks.

This was a very strange place for a meetup. Me and Simmi walked in and looked around. Just as I was about to say that the person wasn't here I spotted them I the corner sitting by themselves.

"There" I said to sim and pointed towards the corner booth.

I waked up to the booth and sat down. Might as well get this over with.




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