Betrayal pt:2

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Me and Brittany were talking about wedding plans when I felt my phone vibrate. I look over and see Yousef talking to Ryan so it couldn't be him and my parents don't text me this late during the day because they're probably asleep. Who could it be? I take out my phone and see it's a message from Dom; what did he want? Didn't he cause enough problems for me tonight? I open his message which reads:

"I'm sorry Lilly, I really am. I didn't mean to be a dick a while ago, my feelings got the best of me. can you meet me outside by the fountain outside? It's been too long and we need to catch up, I miss you. Oh, and I need to tell you some bad news about Lauren and Alex that you might not like. See you soon".

I debated whether to go or not but my curiosity got the best of me. I wanted to know if he knew about Arial, Maria did say some of our friends knew. I thought about telling Yousef where I was going but I knew he'd tag along and I don't want them to argue over me. I looked over at him again and can see he was deep in conversation with Ryan. I won't take long; I'll just go find out what he knows and come back. Simple, right?

I walk outside towards the fountain but every time I would take a step someone would come up to me and congratulate me, word sure spreads fast. It took way longer than I expected to reach Dom. When I finally reached him he grabbed me by the waist and kissed me. I kept my lips sealed shut and I tried getting away but he had a tight grip on me. What the fuck was he doing? At first I was too shocked to think about escaping but after a while his grip loosened and I managed to get away. I looked at him and saw him smiling, that made me so mad so I slapped him hard on the cheek. "what the fuck was that for Dom! Seriously you're sick" I said. He didn't reply but he burst out laughing. What the fuck was so funny? I saw some movement out of the side of my eye and saw Yousef running away. "you set me up..." I said as I looked at Yousef running away. Oh my god he must've seen Dom kiss me! I'm so screwed...

I run after Yousef and finally catch up to him, which was hard cause I'm so unfit. I grabbed his hand and made him stop, which he did, but he snatched his hand away. At least he stopped.

L: "Yousef please, it not what you think"

Y: "yeah it probably is, but I don't care, it's your life. I'm calling an Uber and going home"

L: "please let me explain"

Y: "no need to, I already saw enough. I'm leaving"

L: "NO! My car is parked outside, plus Arial will know something is up if we don't show up together"

Y: "I can't stay here for another second, and it seems to me that you still have a lot of catching up to do"

L: "ugh! If only you'd let me explain! Fine you know what I'm leaving too, let's go. No need to waste money"

Y: "what about Dom, shouldn't you give him a goodbye kiss? He might get mad"

L: "I don't give a shit about dom. Now come on"

Y: "I'd rather not"

L: "not your choice. Now start walking"

Thankfully he didn't argue back and followed me outside to the parking garage. Damn I screwed up so bad this time, he'll probably never trust me again. maybe I could talk to him in the car, it's an hour car ride. God please, I was finally happy...

*Later in the car*


Yousef is still not talking to me and I don't know what to do or say. At the moment, we were in the car driving back to Simmi's place, but we had to stop by a toy store and get Arial something since we promised her we would. "what do you think we should get Arial?" I said to Yousef. He didn't reply, I guess he's still mad. I don't want Arial to see Yousef mad at me but I've tried starting a conversation with him and he isn't talking to me. I couldn't take the silence in the car anymore so I pull over onto the side of the road.

Y: "what the hell is going on? Why'd you pull over?"

L: "oh now you want to talk to me"

Y: "no"

L: "to bad, you're going to let me explain and then you can judge me"

Y: "I don't want to hear it"

L: "ugh! Stop acting like a child! We are going to settle this now because I don't want Arial to see or hear us fight"

Y: "one I'm not acting like a child and two you should've thought of that when you made out with your ex-lover in front of me"

L: "I was set up!"

Y: "you expect me to believe that? really?"

L: "I swear, the whole thing was set up. Dom wanted you to see that"

Y: "I'm sure he did"

L: "Yousef I swear we aren't going to go anywhere unless you let me explain. I know it looks bad but I swear I didn't kiss him back"

Y: "it looked like you were enjoying it to me"

L: "I couldn't get away because he had a strong grip on me"

Y: "this keeps getting better and better! Okay Lilly explain what happened, it's getting late and Arial will freak out"

L: "finally! Okay so...."

I explained how everything went down and I even showed him the message Dom sent me. I could tell he knew I was telling the truth.

Y: "I never thought Dom would stoop so low man"

L: "now you believe me?"

Y: "I'm sorry Lilly, I really am. You were right, I was acting like a child. It's just from past experiences it's not usually set up"

L: "I remember you telling me about it. That's why I wanted you to let me explain so badly. When I saw you run away the only thing that I was scared about was you not trusting me no more"

Y: "I promise to never doubt you again"

L: "I hate seeing you mad at me"

Y: "and I hate being mad at you and fighting with you"

L: "just know that when I'm with someone I'm with them. I don't do that side shit"

Y: "I don't either. I'm sorry Lilly"

L: "don't be, I would've acted the same way if I was in your position"

Y: "Lilly my feelings for you never faded, Britt was right"

L: "I know what you mean. I thought after being away from you for five years I'd lose interest in you bur my feelings for you only seemed to deepen"

Y: "you still like me?"

L: "never stopped"

Y: "god I really want to kiss you"

Third person pov:

Lilly leaned over the arm rest and connected her lips with Yousef. They made out for a straight three minutes then finally Yousef broke the kiss so that both of them can catch their breaths. "wow" Yousef said as his forehead touched Lilly's. "you're mine Lilly Sani Singh" Yousef said to Lilly. she smiled and gave him a quick peck on the lips and said "and you're mine". With that they drove back home to their soon to be daughter.

Since you guys blew up my notifications and my inbox I decided to post part 2 now instead of tomorrow so my phone would stop vibrating. It was funny seeing your reactions though :) I'm glad you all are enjoying this book! Now off to bed I go, mad studying is going to happen tomorrow/today, I promise. 

 goodnight loves XOXO, A. 

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