Chapter 37

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*5 months later*


Why did I feel like something bad was going to happen today? All morning this feeling wouldn't leave me. I managed to busy myself and it worked but now that I was relaxing and shutting off the feelings bad again.

At first I thought something happened to Yousef, but when I went to check up on him he looked fine to me. Yousef has been doing a little better since Lilly broke both of our hearts to pieces. he's still pushing himself in the gym and isn't eating that much but it's a big change from the first few months.

At first I was so furious and angry at her for what she did. I didn't believe her at first, I didn't think Lilly was capable of hurting Yousef that much. I remember all the times she told me how much she loved him and how she worried about him. the love she had for him wasn't fake but now I'm starting to doubt myself. It's been five months, if Lilly truly did love Yousef and was forced to say those horrible things she would've reached out to us somehow and told us that everything that came out of her mouth that day was a lie.


"give me a sec, let me just grab a jacket and we can leave" I yelled to my mom as I walked to my room

Tonight, is going to be amazing, me and my mom were going to spend some mother daughter time and maybe go watch a movie or do something. I honestly can't remember the last time me and my mom spent time together. I've been so busy with work and I needed a break. My career has reached new heights in the modeling industry and I couldn't be happier.

I got to my room and got the first jacket that was in sight. I probably wasn't going to use it but it never hurts to be prepared.

I got in the car and put the jacket on my lap when I realized there was a piece of paper sticking out. The paper was folded into a small square and on the top, it had a heart drawn on it and was signed by Lilly...

"what's that sweetie" my mom said as she backed down the driveway

"I don't know. I think it's a letter from Yousef's ex. Lilly"

"Yousef? The Muslim boy you dated years ago, you still talk to him?"

"no, he hates my guts. I forgot to tell you but we ran into each other a few months ago, at Starbucks, and then one day he invited me over to his place and asked for my apartment security footage"

"what in the world did he need security footage for?"

"long story short, he thought I had a stalker who might've also stalked his wife, Lilly, at the time but it turns out that her and her ex, the stalker Yousef was worried about, planned everything so that they can run away together with their daughter"

"he has a daughter!"

"yes, and she's beautiful"

"so, open the letter and see what it says"

"to be honest mom, I don't want to. I don't need any more drama in my life"

"so, what are you going to do with that letter?"

"can we make a quick stop before we go to dinner?"

"sure honey, where too?"


"what do you want" I said to Alycia who was standing in front of me.

"wow, that's how you great people you haven't seen in a long time?"

"yeah, especially if I don't want to see that someone"

"whatever. Where's Yousef? I thought I'd find him here"

"he's at the gym"

"well I just wanted to drop off this paper I found in my jacket just now." She said as she handed a piece of paper to me that was signed by Lilly and had a small heart on it "I didn't open it. I don't need the extra drama in my life"

"how long have you had this"

"I haven't worn this jacket since the day you invited me over to Yousef's place and Lilly spilled the beans about her still loving her ex and not Yousef"

"you haven't worn this jacket in five months? Why?"

"it doesn't go with my outfit"

"are you serious?" I said shaking my head. "you know what, never mind. Thanks for dropping this off."

"no probs" she said and walked away

God that girl can be a little stupid sometimes. How do you not wear a jacket in five months?

I looked at the paper she gave to me. what could possibly be written in it? was it blank? Why would Lilly write this and how did it end up in Alycia's jacket? I guess I'll have to open it and find out, or should I wait for Yousef?

But what if it gets his hopes up for nothing and it turns out to be blank, I don't want to cause him anymore pain.

I slowly unfolded the paper and saw that Lilly had written a letter, addressed to me and Yousef. The letter read...

Dear Yousef and sim, 


Happy Valentines day  <3

xoxo, A.

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