The reunion...?

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I'm back to my old apartment, I kept it because somehow I knew I'd always come back here. Plus, it comes in handy when I want to be left alone. But looking at the place now all the good and bad memories come rushing back. God it's been so long. The first thing I do is walk upstairs to my old office, I remember how much I used to stress over work sitting in that chair. I also remember all the times I shot skits by my team super wall. I loved being busy but honestly I don't think I can go back. To everyone I made it seem like making videos came to me naturally but I would literally stay up all night stressing over what to do for a super Monday and Thursday video. As I walk back downstairs I see my guest wall with all the post-its form people who came and visited me. I remember Humble being the first one to put his up then Alex, Lauren and Yousef. As I look at Yousef's post-it I remember the awful day he walked out on me. I also remember how he finally kissed me, we were standing right over there next to the t.v. when it happened. Oh how I wish things had gone differently but the past is in the past. I'll be honest I do stalk him a little, I want to know how's he's doing and how life's treating him. I know he stared in a film with my babe DJ and also Kevin Heart, and he looks happy. If he's happy then I'm happy, he's been through a lot in life and if other people were in his shoes they would've just gave up on life. Instead he persevered and is finally living his life happy and to the fullest. Continuing to look around my place I realize it's a mess and some cleaning needs to be done I should really stop reminiscing about Yousef and get to work. I look at the time and see its still 9:30, I have to meet up with Alex and Lauren at 1ish so that gives me at least two hours to get some cleaning done plus get ready.


I'm back L.A., I see you haven't changed much. since I bought my apartment I decided not to sell it when I moved back home. I knew I'd always come back but I never knew when. I guess todays the day, as I look around I remember all the times I cried myself to sleep and all the times I had the squad over and had a great time. I go into my bedroom and remember the last night I spent in this room. After I left Lilly's place I came back home to get my bags and remember feeling so damn mad. Mad because I didn't know what to do, I threw things on the ground and punched the wall a few times but in the end I still wanted her to feel my pain, that's what made me really leave. In my mind I thought it wasn't fair that I had to wait for her and get rejected every time but when she finally admitted her feelings I would easily give in and she would never know the pain of being rejected. I know, I was an idiot and will forever be an idiot because I left the girl of my dreams just standing there shocked as I walked out of her life. God I ask you again to please give me a second try. I really, truly, wont mess up this time. I look at the time and see its about to turn 12. That gives me an hour to wash up plus get dressed to go meet up with Alex at 1:00pm. Hopefully Arial will be there, I need someone to give me a reason to smile again.

*later at the park*


Its 1:05 where the hell is Alex and Lauren? They were always on time, half the times early, to any meeting they had. I took out my phone and sat on a nearby bench and started scrolling through twitter. I still had a strong fan base on twitter but half of them where all grown up now and were trying to find their ways in their own lives. I continued to check all my social media apps and get caught up on a few emails. I was so into my phone I didn't realize that an hour had gone by. Something was wrong and I was getting worried. I looked at the message Alex sent me and it said the meetup would be at 1. I tried calling him but no answer. I look around the park, maybe he showed up and I didn't realize but all I saw were kids running around playing tag and some were on the swings and slide. They looked so carefree and happy, enjoying their time laughing and chasing each other around. Seeing all those kids being happy and hearing their laughs made me happy. I wanted to so badly start my own family but the right guy is taking a hella long time to show his damn face. I sigh and continue to look around, then I realize someone was sitting next to me, then again I didn't even realize how much time had gone by. when did he show up? At first I figured he was here with his child but he seemed more into his phone then watching his child to make sure he or she didn't get hurt. I took a closer look and realized something looked familiar about him. His arms were muscular and his eyebrows were on fleek and he had this mini beard growing, I was intrigued, this man looked hot, I'm talking about spicy hot. Then something caught my eye, he was bald but was wearing his hat a certain way. His hat covered his baldness but at the same time made it seem like he didn't have a big forehead. I only knew one person who wore his heat that way, but it can't be. Can it? I look even more closely I realized it was him. OH MY GOD, it was Yousef, YOUSEF ERAKAT! Should I say something? What if it isn't him and I'm hallucinating, I should leave. Just as I was about to get up he said "Lilly?". It really was him, it was Yousef, should I run? But his voice, god I missed his voice. Him just saying my name sent shivers down my back, it's been so long how does he still have this effect on me? I turned around and looked him straight in the eye and said "hi Yousef".


I'm starting to get worried about Lauren and Alex, where the fuck were they? I was about to leave when I saw movement out of the side of my eye. Thinking it was Lauren or Alex I turned my attention towards her. I'll be honest I didn't pay much attention to her when I sat down. Then I started scrolling through social media and lost track of time I guess. Just by glancing at her I knew she wasn't Lauren but she was so damn gorgeous. She was brown with this long hair and her body figure was sexy as fuck. She looked like a Disney character, Pocahontas to be exact. Wait Pocahontas! OH MY GOD! No way. That's not possible. "Lilly?" I said. She turned around and looked me straight in the eye. Those eyes, hazel brown eyes, it was her. Before she even said anything I knew it was her. Is god really giving me a second chance?

L: "hi Yousef"

Y: "who..why..what are you going here?"

L: "I actually came here to meet up with Alex and Lauren, you know your old friends that you left behind as well as me"

Y: "I'm sorry Lilly I really am. But before we talk about what happened ages ago. Alex texted me yesterday and told me to also meet him here"

L: "what? Is he playing some type of game or something?"

Just then a lady wearing a suit came up to us holding a little girls hand. That little girl looked so familiar though, but where have I seen her?

M: "I'm glad you two finally acknowledged each other, it's been an hour!"

L: "who are you? And how do you know us?"

Y: "how do you know that we know each other, and why does that baby look familiar?"

M: "oh how rude of me, I'm sorry. I'm Marie Henein and this little angle is Arial Wassabi"

Y: "what why do you have my goddaughter? Where are Alex and Lauren?" yousef said as he took Arial and sat her in his lap and gave her his phone.

L: "explain! Where are her parents and shes your granddaughter? what is going on!"

Marie looked up to the sky and said "they're in a better place now"

Y&L: "WHAT!"

L: "please explain. Why are you here and what happened to my best friends?"

M: "I'm sorry we had to meet under bad circumstances but I'm Alex and Laurens lawyer. Alex and Lauren are no longer with us and have left this beautiful angle as a reminder of them. but there's a catch. They both listed you two as the godparents in the will which means you two are her parents now. But there's another catch you two might not like"

Both Lilly and Yousef were in shock and were in disbelief.

M: "maybe you two should sit down and I'll explain everything from the beginning" 

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