Chapter 45

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"It really is easy to forget the unpleasant if we simply refuse to recall it. Withdraw only positives thoughts from your memory bank. Let the others fade away, and your confidence, that feeling of being on top of the world, will zoom up-ward. You take a big step forward toward conquering your fear when you refuse to remember negative, self-deprecating thoughts." – David J. Schwartz

There's pretty much a quote for everything on google these days. Some of them you can relate to because it's where you are currently, emotionally, in time. I don't mind writing them from time to time but sometimes they can really ruffle my feathers. It offers all these great ideas of what you can do to battle loneliness or an overactive mind but it's not so easy to do. There is not one easy fix that cures everything. And although I would love to easily forget unpleasant memories by simply refusing to recall it, David thinks he knows everything, I can't.

I can't control my mind when it seeps into the darkest memory in my mind.

I'm not trying to remember those memories.

I'm watching T.V.

I'm showering.

I'm making a snack.

I'm not trying to 'recall' them.

I'm trying to be normal again.

I was startled awake when Mr. Pratt was violently shaking me. Thrashing me around like a rag doll.

I managed to squeak out, "S---Stop it!"

Mr. Pratt clutched more tightly onto my shoulders and continued to shake me.

He wore a satisfied grin on his face.

I squirmed trying to get free from him but I was too weak. Every ounce of strength I used was gone after trying to fight him off as he smothered me with a pillow.

I was tied to the bed by all limbs while he smothered me with the pillow. Leaning into me, he used all of his weight.

I gasped for breath and tried to turn my head to the side to take a breath but Mr. Pratt followed. He applied more pressure each time.

I yanked one my arms and tried to move my legs, but he cleverly tied me down so I would have no chance to fight him.

My screams were muffled.

I was strapped down and unable to move. It became harder to breathe. Mr. Pratt put more of his weight on me and not very long after that I blacked out.


The shaking came to an end and then his palm connected with my cheek.

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