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Next day

I went to Moe's room and brought her back breakfast.

"Thanks," she said.

"No problem."

We sat there in silence until Moe said something. She said," so what did you do will I was in my coma." I replied,"just hanging out in here and the cafeteria. I met this girl who had the same birthday as me and is the same age. Including her mom is in the hospital very ill." Moe looked at me like she knew something.

"Um how bout you go check on that girl and her mom real quick," Moe said.

I went down to where the girls mom was and I was in shock. I went in and said," mom what are you doing here? Some girl said she was your mom."

She looked at me and she said," honey sit down I need to tell you something." I went over to the seat and sat down and held her hand. She said," she's your twin and I kept her away for you and me and gave her away because your dad beat her the most. I hate that you had to find out this way." I started to cry and I walked out the room and leaned up the wall. The girl came up to me and she asked,"what's wrong?" I replied," did you know we are sisters/twins? How did I not know because we do look a like but not as much to call us a identical twins. Anyway what's your name?" She looked at me confused and said,"no I did not know and my name is Ella." After she told her name, she went into mom's room. She came back out crying then held her arms out, so I hugged her.

It was weird that this happening now. I got done hugging her, I lead her to Moe's room. Once Moe sees us her mouth drops.

"You guys kind of look a like," Moe said with shock. Ella and I started to laugh. I said," Moe this is my sister and we are twins. We found out when mom told us." She said okay and Moe told us she wanted to take a nap. We left her and Ella and I hung out the whole day. Then we went back to the hotel and went to bed

Sorry this chapter is short. I have been dealing with some problems and I busy with stuff.

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