Where is she? Part 2

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Moe's pov

I got to Washington D.C hoping to find y/n and Ali. I left Ashlyn at the hotel all by herself, but I want to find my teammates. I settled in my hotel room and when I sat down on the bed I got a text from Ashlyn.

Ash: where r u?

Me:I'm in Washington, D.C.

Ash: why did you leave me?

Me: because I'm trying to find your girlfriend and y/n

Ash:I'm coming there

Me: no, Stay where u r

I put my phone down and took a quick little nap. I woke up and went to take a shower. After my shower, I got changed.I started to think about what happen before the Coma. That guy tried to kill y/n, but I jumped right in front of y/n. Then y/n got shot then Ash jumped in and knocked the guy out. Maybe y/n's dad is coming back for revenge. I still have that unknown number in my phone, so I texted it.

Me: Where r they?

I put my phone down waiting for an answer. I went downstairs to the bar and asked for a drink. I got a glass of red wine then ate someone fries. I went back to my room and looked at my phone and saw I have five texts.

Ash: please let me come
Ash:I don't want you in danger
Ash: please come back
Ash: we will find them together

I texted her

Me: I don't want u in danger and I'm not going back until I find them.

Last text

Unknown: come near the alley near your hotel and you find out why I took them.

I dressed up in black and i went to a gun store and bought a gun. I put the gun in my purse. I wait until it got dark and headed near the alley. I got to the alley and a black van pulled up. Two people had there hands tied.

"You want your friends back?" A guy asked. I replied," of course I want them back they're family to me." I couldn't really see my friends back guys were standing in front of them. "You want to see them well here you go." I saw Ali and she had bruises everywhere and y/n looked the worst because she was not conscious and she was bleeding. They were beaten when they were kidnapped. "Why did you do that to them?" The guy gave me a smirk and said," well they deserve that especially y/n." I slapped him and he punched me in the stomach. I held my stomach and said," you won't get away with this."

There was a pause and he finally said," I will because I'm going to let you go taking Ali to the hospital and if you say one word y/n will die." He told the guys to untie Ali. They handed me Ali and she could barely walk. I picked her up and took her to my car. I drove her to the nearest hospital. I grabbed her out of the car and carried her in. They took her in the back while I wait in the waiting room. I decided to call Ash.

Me:Ash come to D.C I found Ali
Ash: where did you find her?
Me: I founded her in a alley
Ash:okay I'm buying a plane ticket now see you later
Me: bye

I waited for about 30 minutes until the doctor came. "Ali's family." I stood up. He had a worried face and said," your friend was hurt badly, but not that bad. She has some broken ribs, concussion, and sprain ankle." I was kind of relieved, but I was still worried. "When can I see her?" He replied,"Tomorrow." I left and went back to the hotel. I watched tv until I got an text from an unknown number. It was a video of y/n saying something. I guess she's awake. I pressed the play button.

Y/n: don't tell anyone about what happen or I'll die. Tell them I'm fine and I don't want to see them until I clear my mind. Please do what they say because I don't want to die.

At the end of the video a guy came in and slapped her and he said listen to her and y/n gave her a hint using sign language. I went online to see what she was trying to tell me. She was telling me where she is. She's says she going to Atlanta and hiding in an old abandoned that says Papa Johns on it. I wrote this down. After that, I went to bed and thought about saving y/n. I want her to live a long life. I want her to have a normal life. I wish she was here with me. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I like y/n even though she's dating her boyfriend Brad and I'm dating my boyfriend Fabrice. I'm going to Atlanta tomorrow to go save her. Let's hope everything goes to plan.

Sorry that I haven't posted in a while.

Moe likes y/n

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