♡ Faded Memories ♡ ( a dancemoms / dance moms fanfic )

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I sucked in a breath as I fluttered my eyes open slowly.

My immediate reaction to my surroundings was confusion.

Where am I?

It looked as if I were in some sort of hospital; considering there were all sorts of machines and contraptions in the room.

The plain white walls and the uncomfortable cot I was laying on also gave a hint as of to where I was.

Now the question is, who am I?

I had no memory of last night, or any night for that matter.

I looked around my surroundings, in hope of finding a clue, to see a picture of a young girl with light brown hair that reached a little past her ribs. She was at the beach; in what seemed to be the evening, considering the sun was setting behind her.

Standing next to the girl with brown hair and bright blue eyes was another seemingly young girl. The other girl had long blonde hair that reached a bit past her shoulder blades and she had dark brown eyes. She looked as if she were having a lot of fun, along with the mysterious girl with brown hair.

Another picture was taped up on the wall wall with the same brown haired girl, but the blonde was not there. Instead, there was a girl that seemed even younger, but looked similar to the first girl, with brown hair and brown eyes. They were both inside of what seemed to be a house. They were smiling and holding a small white puppy, with a few tan spots. In the background of the picture, there were presents left unopened.

Something about the pictures made me smile, made me feel like I knew them. The look in the eyes of the girls, showed pure happiness.

I scanned the room once again, almost frantically, hoping to find something; a clue to my past. A memory that I should remember so well; but now it was a memory that was not there.

All that's left now are faded memories.

A/N: I think I will enter this in the Watty Awards so please save your voting for January 6th! That is when the voting portion starts! Thank you! I love you(: Two comments for more!

Faded Memories ( a dancemoms / dance moms fanfic )Where stories live. Discover now