Chapter Twenty-Four

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Chapter Twenty-Four

Maddie's POV

I took a deep breath and jiggled with the door knob to my room.

Oh this can't be happening. Not now! All I wanted to do was go to my room and sulk.

I had forgotten my key with Elliot the night I had broken my foot and there was no way I was going to retrieve it from him. Bridgette, Blaze, and Clementine had gone to a party with their friend from school.

Great. Now I had no possible way of getting into my room until my roommates were back, which could be hours at a time.

I groaned and slid down to the ground. There was nothing I could do to get in there.

I closed my eyes and leaned my head back, letting my thoughts wander.

God, where did I go wrong? I thought that I actually liked Elliot. I was so stupid! Of course he didn't like me! He was a player! He never liked me. Last night he was so sweet and caring, and now? Now he's kissing Kendall and probably having sex with her!

I felt a few tears stream down my face as I looked up to see a silhouetted figure standing above me.

"Madison?" The voice of a lady that I recognized to be the women who I met the first day and had lead me to my dorm. She squatted down, so that she was down to my level.

"Uhm, yes?" I stammered, wiping a stray tear off my cheek.

"Sweetie, someone wants to adopt you." The desk lady smiled.

I gulped. What if it wasn't my mom?

"W-whats her name?" I asked.

"Her name? It's Melissa Ziegler. I think it's your family!" She beamed.

I nodded my head and she helped me up.

"C-can I say goodbye to a few people?" I asked.

"No, I'm sorry hun. Your mom is too anxious." The desk lady said, still smiling.

"N-no, I have to say goodbye to someone, please?" I pleaded.

"Ok." She whispered, "Hurry!"

I nodded my head and ran to Elliot's dorm.


I brought my hand up to his door and pounded on it a few times.

He groaned and I heard him say, "One second babe."

He opened the door and I gawked at his appearance.

His brown hair was perfectly tousled, and his abs were sculpted perfectly.

No Maddie! Stop thinking that! Do you not remember what he did to you?

"What do you want?" Elliot asked, glaring at me coldly.

The door was just slightly ajar so that Kendall couldn't see me.

A couple tears streamed down my face.

"I can't believe you would cheat on me! I thought you actually liked me! I guess I was wrong. You're just a player aren't you? You know, normally I wouldn't be this mad....but Elliot, I-I loved you. Well, at least I thought I did." I cried, my voice cracking.

I glanced up at him to see a look of guilt on his face. For a moment it looked as if he were about to apologize. Just for a moment.

"M-Madison, please just g-go." Elliot said, a bit too harshly.

"Oh trust me Elliot, you won't see me around anytime soon." I laughed, but not a happy kind of laugh, more like a sad pained one.

I looked up at him one more time, before I stomped on his foot and ran off, with fresh tears still falling down my face.


"M-Maddie?" A short lady with light brown hair, that actually looked a lot like me croaked out.

"Y-yes that's me." I stuttered.

She ran to me and embraced me in a hug.

"I'm sorry baby, I really am. I-I didn't believe it was you. I thought you were dead." My mom cried in a hushed tone.

"I-it's ok." I replied, trying my best to muster a small smile.

My mom let go of me and stared into my eyes with a questioning look.

"Y-you're acting different...not your usual self." My mom stammered.

"Oh mom, you didn't know? I would have thought Kenzie would have told you..." I said, trailing off.


"Mom, I don't remember anything. Apparently, I was involved in some sort of accident."

A/N: dont worry I still have like 5 chapters, maybe even more, left of this story! Sooo 10 comments and 20 votes for more(:

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