Chapter Thirty-Four

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Chapter Thirty-Four

Maddie's POV

"Where are we having the sleepover?" I questioned Kendall, considering my mom had been reiterating that same exact question for the past five minutes.

"At Paige's!" Kendall squealed, excitedly. Everyone's parents had said yes, now my mom was the only one left.

I nodded my head and hurriedly scampered off to find my mom. "The sleepover is at Paige's house. Can I please go?"

My mom let out an exasperated sigh, but I could tell she was going to give in.

"Alright, you can go."

I smiled and embraced my mom in a hug, that actually felt slightly awkward.

Was that weird?

Maybe it's because I haven't seen her in forever?

I shrugged the thought away as Kenzie and I both ran over to Paige's car, where everyone was carpooling.


"Truth or dare, Mads?" Paige's bubbly voice echoed.

"Erm, dare?" I said, unsurely.

"Ok..I dare you to go make us more popcorn." Paige giggle, gesturing to the empty bowl sitting in the middle of the circle that we had positioned ourselves in.

"Fine, but when I'm back, I expect an actual dare!" I snorted, picking up the bowl, as I adjusted my tank-top.

"Don't count on that!" Paige mused, winking, as I made my way downstairs.

I chuckled as I entered the kitchen and raided Paige's pantry.

Was that wrong? Nah, Paige practically told me to.

Ok, maybe not, but I need food to live, don't I? I think yes.

"Raiding our panty, I see." A deep voiced started, as if reading my own thoughts.

I jumped, as my eyes widened and I quickly turned around.

My eyes met Josh, who honestly looked adorable in his super-man pajama pants and batman t-shirt.

Wow, Josh, those two superheroes clash by a lot.

"Nice pajamas." I mused, arching my eyebrows as I placed the popcorn in the microwave and started it.

His cheeks flushed red, and I caught him smiling a bit even, but it quickly dropped.

"Uh, Maddie, we need to talk." Josh began, awkwardly.

My gaze met the ground as I nodded my head.

"I-I'm sorry.." Josh trailed off.

"It's ok, Josh. I'm sorry too." I stated, smiling.

"Erm, you didn't let me finish, Maddie.."

"Ok? Then finish."

"I'm sorry, but I don't think we should date anymore. You aren't the same Maddie anymore." Josh rambled, jumbling his words together, but I managed to figure it out.

Or maybe I didn't? Maybe I had misheard him?

"Wh-what?" I choked out, obviously not expecting that reaction and slightly hoping I had misheard what he said.

"I'm sorry Maddie." He reiterated, as he stared down at the floor.

Suddenly, the steady beep beep of the microwave went off, and I ignored it, my gaze lingering on Josh.

"You-you can't j-just do that!" I croaked out in bewilderment.

"Maddie, the popcorn is going to burn!" Paige yelled from upstairs, but I ignored her ramblings.

Josh glanced at the staircase.

"I-um-bye Maddie." I watched as his figure retreated up the stairs.

A single tear slipped down my cheek, before many more began joining in as if it were some sort of party for my hormones and sadness.

"Maddie! The popcorn!" Paige yelled once again.

I groaned, grabbing the popcorn and heading up to Paige's room.

Once I reached her door, I threw the burnt bag in the room.

"I, erm, I have to g-go." I stated, hoping to sound more confident than I actually was at the moment. Much to my luck however, I didn't, my voice came out squeaky and shaky.

"Maddie? What's wrong?" Chloe asked thoughtfully.

I didn't answer her as I grabbed my belongings and headed back downstairs for the umpteenth time that day.

I swiftly opened the doors of the house, as I heard a faint voice yell, "Maddie, wait!"

I turned around, recognizing Kendall right away.

"No, Kendall! Go away!" I snapped, defiantly not wanting to speak to her out of all the girls.

She drove the wedge between Elliot and I, after all.

Maybe it was unfair to treat her this way, I don't even know if she knew Elliot and I were dating at the time, but I didn't care.

Kendall's face twisted into a hurt expression.

"Look Maddie, I don't have any idea what is going on with you, but you have just been shutting me out! Please, Maddie, I need my best friend back!" Kendall ranted.

I pursed my lips, but thought about it for a moment.

Should I leave or stay? This would be the perfect moment to question Kendall about Elliot!

A/N: 10 comments and 40 votes for more.

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