Chapter Twelve

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A/N: Who's ready for a loooong exciting chapter 🙈 me is ready to write. hahaah ignore that, ok? ok.

Chapter Twelve

Maddie's POV

I groaned, realizing I had to make my my way everywhere using crutches.

I always thought they looked sort of fun, but I never realized how much of a struggle they actually were.

I sighed, as I made my way into the 'Dance Studio.'

"What happened, Madison?" Miss Alexz gasped, as her gaze fell on mine, her eyes widening.

"Last night I slipped." I sighed.

"Oh Madison...what to do now?" She grumbled, talking more to herself than me.

I avoided eye contact, feeling a bit embarrassed, that I was so clumsy and careless.

"I guess I will have to call in your replacement." She pressed her lips into a thin line. "You made the team too.

"Ah, you! Grace! Can you go get Clover?"

I watched as Grace obediently stood up and rushed out the door to Clover's dorm.

Grace was probably around the age of twelve. She had light blonde hair, that flowed a bit past her shoulders. She was very small and petite, and she had the most innocent brown eyes.

A few minutes later, I watched as Clover entered the room, curiously.

Clover had natural red hair, that was quite long. She looked like a Ballerina, like a technical dancer.

"Yes, Miss Alexz?" Clover asked, a small smile had crept upon her lips.

"Madison here, is injured so we need you to be her replacement." She smiled.

Clover's eyes lit up with excitement. She let out a small squeal as she ran up to Miss Alexz and embraced her into a hug. She broke away from the hug, and her gaze landed on me.

"Ohmygod!" She breathed, as if the words 'Oh my god' were altogether. "You're Maddie Ziegler!"

"Uhm, yes? But, I happen to go by Madison." I laughed, feeling a bit uneasy.

How did she know me?

"No! You're Maddie Ziegler! You are on the Television Show 'Dance Moms!' You know, with your little sister Mackenzie!" She shrieked, excitedly.

"What? No, I'm not?" I said, the words spilling out of my mouth, sounding more like a question than a statement.

Then it clicked. I was so stupid. She was talking about my past! It was a clue!

"Wait! I'm Maddie Ziegler and I'm on the show Dance Moms? How do you know this?" I asked.

"How do I know this? More like how do you not know that you are on a reality Television Show?!?" Clover exclaimed.

"I don't have any clue to my past. An accident occurred and now I have lost my memory. I don't remember a thing."

"Oh my goodness! I'm surprised I'm the only one who recognized you!" She laughed.

"How have you watched 'Dance Moms?' It seems there are no Televisions here?"

"Oh, you see, I have a friend from school; she obsesses over you! I have visited her house a few times and she made me watch a new episode of Dance Moms with her! Recently, you haven't been on the show, but I guess the producers have kept it quiet. Everyone is assuming you quit the show?" She rambled.

My eyes lit up with excitement and a grin spread across my face.

I could find my family!


"H-hello?" I choked out over Clover's iPhone.

Apparently, she had gotten it as a Christmas present from her Grandma, who had refused to take her in after her parent's died.

We had done some research and we found Melissa Ziegler-Giosoni, apparently my mother's number.

"Hello? Who is this?" Her voice sounded raspy, monotone, as if she had been depressed and crying for a few days.

"Um, hi. I know this may sound strange, but I think I'm your daughter."

"M-maddie? N-no. You''re dead." She stammered, I could hear sobbing over the line.

"N-no mom. I'm here, I'm completely well and alive!"

"No you aren't! Stop! Stop!" She started screaming hysterically.

"Mom, please. I am alive! Why do you thing I'm not?" I cried out.

"It's been a year! There are no traces of you! You're dead!"

"Mom, please! Let me talk to...." I hesitated, not remembering, according to Clover, my sister's name.

"Mackenzie." Clover whispered.

"Uh, yeah. Let me talk to Mackenzie!"

I heard muffled noises, as my mom handed the phone over to Mackenzie.

"M-Maddie?" She breathed.

"Y-yes Mackenzie. It-it's me. What happened? I awoke in the hospital a few weeks ago?"

"I think this talk would be better in person."

I nodded my head, then remembering she couldn't see me, I answered with a simple, "Ok."

A/N: oooo what do you think is up with Melissa? and yes, it has been a year. i never said how long maddie was in a coma(; 4 comments and 5 votes for more! this chapter was exactly 789 words long!

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