Chapter Twenty

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Brooke's POV

Chapter Twenty

• A few weeks after Maddie's disappearance •

I sighed, plugging my blue beets into my iPhone and blasting the song 'Wrecking Ball.'

I listened to the lyrics, letting my mind wonder off a bit, and of course my thoughts led me to Maddie.

Oh Maddie, poor Maddie. I bet you she's freezing and probably even lost!

I wasn't there when the incident occurred because I quit the Abby Lee Dance Company so now Abby assumes I vandalized it, which I did not, thank you very much.

Although, I am not going to deny, whoever did vandalize it did a quite good and amusing job.

Although, from what I had heard from Paige was that Maddie had forgotten her solo and Miss Abby freaked out and kicked her off the team. Then, Maddie ran off and no one could find her. Now it has been weeks since anyone has seen or heard from Maddie.

The thought of poor little innocent Maddie wandering off alone made me sad, yet curious.

I sighed and heard banging on my door.

"What?" I asked, turning my music off, and seeing an annoying Josh standing at my door.

"Can I come in?" He asked, looking a bit shaken up.

"Whatever." I said, rolling my eyes.

He entered my room and I shut the door behind him.

"What do you want?" I asked, a bit too harshly.

"I'm worried about Maddie." He cried. "It has been weeks!"

"Oh, Josh. It's ok, I know you miss your girlfriend, but I bet you she is having fun wherever she is!" I laughed, trying to convince myself along with Josh.

"I don't know...It's been weeks and I have a horribly bad feeling in the pit of my stomach that something has happened to her." Josh sighed.

"Time for dinner!" My mom yelled from downstairs, interrupting our conversation.

I gave Josh a reassuring smile. I could tell her really was worried. "Well, don't stress about it until you know something has happened, ok?"

He nodded his head. "Thanks Brooke."

We both headed downstairs and sat down at the dinner table.


I watched, curiously, as my mom talked on the phone with Melissa.

Suddenly, as if it were in the blink of an eye, my moms eyes widened and she dropped her iPhone.

She rushed over to us and said, barely a whisper, "Maddie is dead."

I had no idea to react to the news.

Maddie, my little munchkin, was dead? She was only thirteen! How could she possibly be dead?

Tears began to form in my eyes as what my mom had said, sunk in completely.

Oh god. Maddie was gone. Not just for today or tomorrow or even the week. She was gone forever.

I began sobbing as Josh hysterically screamed, "No no no! My girlfriend can't be dead!"

Not Maddie! Why? Why did this have to happen to Maddie? Oh god, why not me? Poor innocent Maddie? Why?


I shielded my eyes from the sun as I stood behind the wooden podium and spoke the words that I had never said to Maddie.

"Maddie, she was probably the sweetest person you could ever meet. She was such a talented dancer and she never failed to make anyone smile. But, I feel horrible." I frowned. "I feel like ever since I quit dance we became distant. We didn't talk as much. Ha. I bet Abby brainwashed her." I spat, staring at Abby. "Now, I stand here in front of you speaking of Maddie. Why don't I just tell you all my favorite memory with Maddie? I actually remember the day clearly. Maddie and I went to the mall and we went shopping. Oh my gosh, Maddie and I had both found the cutest shirt, and coincidentally it was the same exact shirt. We were both the same size and there was only one shirt left so Maddie and I had decided to split the price and share it. Later that day we both had ice cream and then she ended up spending the night and we stayed up watching movies all night and it was just the most fun I had in a while. I don't know." I smiled. "I miss you Maddie-Moo." I whispered and sat back down.

I listened intently as a few more people shared their beloved memories of Maddie and then we all placed prized possessions into Maddie's casket.

When it was my turn I placed the shirt that Maddie and I shared into the casket. "It's all yours now, Maddie. I hope you like it." I smiled.

A/N: 7 comments and 20 votes for more!(:

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