Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

Maddie's POV

I sat upon my bed that looked so raggedy compared to Bridgette, Blaze, and the third roommate who I had not met yet.

The plain white covers looked so dull compared to the bright pink ones with polka dots scattered randomly on the fabric.

I glanced over at Blaze who was sitting on her mattress picking at her nails.

Bridgette, however, was sitting cozily wrapped up her blanket, reading a book.

I sighed and stood up, feeling all the eyes in the room on me.

Time to meet the unknown roommate.

I slowly walked over to the bed she was sitting on and sat down.

"I don't believe we have met." I smiled.

"I guess not." She said, looking a bit uncomfortable, as if I were psychotic.

"Well, I am Madison Ziegler, it is nice to meet you." I beamed, hoping to start off on the right foot.

She looked up at me as if she were unsure she could trust me.

"I-um-I'm Clementine." She stuttered.

I smiled at her in an attempt to reassure her.

She had long brown hair that reached a bit past her belly button.

She had blue eyes; but they were a unique color of blue; they were ravishing.

She was gorgeous altogether, and I had to admit, I was a bit jealous.

I stood up and sighed. I began to walk away, and I swear I could've heard her mumble, "You don't have to go."

I shook my head and got rid of the thoughts as I slid under my covers and drifted into a deep sleep.

A/N: Ok so, I changed this chapter a bit! If you already read it before I changed it, Anabelle is not her name anymore. I decided on Clementine(: PM me some ideas for the next chapter?(: thank yewww ilyyy! 2 comments for more! and possibly some votes?

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