Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Chapter Twenty-Seven

Maddie's POV

"M-Maddie, you remember me?" Josh stuttered, as he ran towards me.

I sucked in a breath, taking in his presence.

"Y-yes Josh, I do." I breathed.

Our hands entwined and he pulled me in for a kiss. My eyes widened widened in shock, and then I realized what he was doing and I gently kissed him back.

We pulled apart and I felt a bit saddened honestly.

A wave of nausea and dizziness swept over me as I stumbled back another few steps.

I felt my face pale, and curious, yet concerned faces stared at me.

"I-uh, I'm not feeling well. I think I am going to take a short nap." I speak up, my voice becoming raspy.

I glance at Kendall, furrowing my eyebrows, as I see a faint bruise on her cheek. Probably dance, but I had a different feeling, something wasn't right...

Then, I remembered what happened between Kendall and Elliot. My confusion turned into anger as I quickly look away from her.

Everyone gives me a strange look as I sigh and turn around on my heel, walking up the stairs.

"Wait to go Josh. Your kiss made her sick." I heard Chloe joke.

I muffled a small laugh, despite the nausea I was feeling. I sighed, plopping on my bed letting the memories all flood back to me.


• Flashback •

Date: November 3rd, 2012

Tears streamed down my face uncontrollably as I ran towards no particular direction. I didn't care where I was going, all I cared about was being away from everyone.

My dreams were crushed. I was off the team? What happened? I hope this doesn't come off as rude or cocky, because it seems that everyone thinks I am since that is the way the 'reality' show portrays me, but I used to be the best on the team; Chloe just nipping at my heels.

I kept running, until my legs buckled from underneath me. I stopped and fell to the ground, crying in despair.

I stayed there all night, having no signs of anyone looking for me. It was nice, for once in my life to have no one acknowledge me, and just let me be on my own.

The next night I ran off to an orphanage. There was absolutely no way I was going home.

I moved into the care of foster parents a few times, but I was never there long.

With my sour attitude and all my needs, I was left transporting from orphanage to orphanage, until I finally reached the home of the last foster parent I would ever have.

The large man, whom adopted me, looked up at me and gazed into my eyes.

"Ah, yes, come with me." He smiled, his lips curling up into a creepy curve.

I nodded my head and politely walked along with him.

I was too absorbed in my own thoughts I hadn't even realized where the man was dragging me off to. Once I realized my surroundings, it was too late. I was cornered in a dark alley that I hadn't even know existed.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked, my eyes widened in shock.

He grunted and stared at me with his cold, unforgiving eyes. "I'm going to give you a surprise." His lips curled into a cynical smile.

Tears began to form in my bright blue eyes as I realized what he meant.

He tugged at the draw string of my sweatpants and stripped them completely from my body.

"N-no, stop! Please stop!" I cried out, hoping someone would hear me or at least have some sense knocked into him.

He just kept grinning that unforgettable grin as he continued.

He stole my innocence. That was a man I could never forget. That was probably the reason I couldn't remember though. The reason I didn't want to remember.

You see, I read in a book somewhere that in some cases, when people loose their memory it is because they are blocking the truth. They didn't want to remember; and this was the truth.

Once he was finished with his little process he forcefully led me back towards a truck, his truck.

Tears were flowing down my cheeks by now. I shook my head silently whispering, "No no no no."

This couldn't be happening.

Once we were there he said in a raspy voice, "Never speak of this, or I will murder you. Don't doubt me. You now know what I am capable of." He began laughing, an eery laugh.

"H-how can I not tell anyone?" I cried aloud, regretting it as soon as I saw the anger in his eyes.

I began to run away as he sped after me.

The last thing I saw before I was knocked unconscious was bright headlights, as a car impacted my small frame.

I few hours, possibly even days later I awoke and I trudged over to the hospital, very weakly and well, you know the rest.

• Flashback Over •


A tear fell down my cheek as I relived the memory.

This was the truth.

A/N: okkkk the story is nearing an end which makes me really sad ok. well, comment your opinion on this chapter and what happened to Maddie): 15 comments and 25 votes for more! (from different people please)

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