Chapter Thirty

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Chapter Thirty

Elliot's POV


"No, Alice." I snapped, looking her dead in the eyes.

"But Elliot! Your arm is so..swollen and bruised." Alice insisted.

I glanced down at my battered arm, fearful of staring too long. Punching the wall had really messed it up.

"Alice, I told you I am not going to! I hate doctors and you know very well about that!" I shouted, uncontrollable rage splurging out of me, and it seemed as if it came out of no where.

Sure, at first I felt a small twinge of annoyance, but now after Alice pestered me a million times anger just bursted out of me.

Alice's gaze fell to the floor. She really did worry about me.

"Look Ali, I'm sorry but I can't stand going to hospitals! The only exception was..Madison." I said, trailing off.

Her gaze met mine once again and she hastily said, "I know, I'm sorry."

She dropped her gaze once again, making me feel horrible.

Why did she make me so goddamn guilty?

I let out a long sigh before simply stating, "Fine."

Now, I bet you are confused as of to why I despise doctors so much. Simple, my parents died in a hospital. The doctors could have done something, anything to save them, but they didn't; and now I'm trapped here in the dull orphanage.

Alice's face lit up. She knew she had finally gotten through to me.

She encased me in a hug, and I winced as she bumped my arm, but luckily she didn't notice or she would drone on and on about how sorry she was.


"I told you that you should've checked your arm sooner!" Alice teased, as she eyed the huge white bandage on my arm.

"Shut up!" I growled, in a sarcastic manner, and I had a smile plastered on my face so she could know I was completely joking.

She laughed as she rubbed my hair, tousling it all over.

I joined in with her laughter as we sat on the cement steps.

Alice suddenly bored her eccentric green eyes, that actually stood out tremendously with her fiery red hair, into my blue ones changing the mood from joking to serious.

Her facial expression was twisted into something I cannot describe simply because I have never seen such an emotion. It was like every single emotion, with the exception of anger or jealousy, combined.

"Elliot.." She trailed off.


"I-I like you." She stammered.

"W-what?" I furrowed my eyebrows. Oh gosh, this was not ok. I loved Alice in a sisterly sort of way; this was going to ruin our friendship!

Her gaze dropped as she reiterated, "I like you." with a bit more confidence.

"I-I'm sorry. I like you, but in a sisterly sort of way.."

Her eyes welled with tears as her face contorted into disbelief and sadness.

"Oh." Was all she could manage.

"I'm sorry." I said, once again as I ran off. I didn't know where I was going, but somehow I managed to reach the local park.

I began walking down a winding path, attempting to distract myself from what happened.

However, nothing seemed to be working. Well, up until I saw what was in front of me, of course.

It was Madison. Madison and some mysterious guy..kissing.

I gawked at the sight. It felt as if one thousand knives were being pierced into my body over and over again.

"Madison! What are you doing?" I screamed, finally mustering enough courage to speak up. Luckily, my voice came out strong, not weak and shaky like I had expected.

Madison at me as if I were joking. "More like what were you doing with Kendall?"

My eyes darted to the ground, then back to Madison's. "That isn't important right now! You're dating me not...that!"

I looked over at the guy that was just kissing Madison, who seemed angry, but completely surprised.

"I'm not dating you." Madison spat in a cold tone.

A look of hurt ran across my face as I felt like what she had just said tore my soul apart.

"Maddie, you-you're dating him?" The mysterious boy asked in a small voice.

"N-no Josh, I can explain." Maddie began.

Suddenly his tone of voice reached a new higher level as he practically yelled, "Explain nothing! While I thought you were dead I didn't date one single soul! You on the other hand had fucking sex and now you're dating this kid?"

My eyes widened in shock. Madison had sex?

"That is preposterous! You know very well that I was raped!" Madison raged, but getting quieter once I said the rape part.

I gasped, but they were too entranced in each other to notice. I suddenly felt guilt course through my body. I was such a jerk!

'Josh' clenched his jaw and whispered, "I doubt it," as he whirled around on his heel and stalked away.

Madison sent me a long meaningful dagger. "This is all your fault!" She fumed.

"I-I'm sorry." I whispered staring down on the ground.

"No, just leave Elliot." Madison said in a soft tone.

I stared up at Madison once more, knowing this may be the last time we ever meet again, before sauntering off into the streets of Pittsburg.

A/N: omg! you guys are amazing! this story has really made it a long way! 12k reads and #656 in fanfiction! yay! ok I need 10 comments and 30 votes for more!

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