Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Chapter Twenty-Nine

Maddie's POV

I sucked in a shaky breath as I stared into Josh's piercing blue eyes.

"Maddie, I have missed you so much." Josh said, genuinely, a small smile playing across his lips.

We were at a large park that locals often visited and it was actually a nice day. Spring had just began and I was thankful.

No more ice to slip on. I had actually gotten my cast off the other day, and now I only have a tan wrap applied to my ankle.

I smiled up at him and softly said, "I missed you too, Joshua."

His eyes twinkled in amusement when I called him Joshua.

I was probably the only one who dared to call him by his full name. Normally if people called him Joshua he would be irritated, however I guess you could say I was an exception.

Suddenly, his face deepened and turned serious.

"Maddie, I thought you were dead for a whole year." Josh raised his eyebrows at me.

"Well, I am not." I said, in an attempt to lighten the mood.

He joined in on my laughter and added, "Well thank you, Miss Captain Obvious."

"Ha ha ha." I mused, my voice coated with sarcasm.

Josh leaned into me, and for a split-second I thought he was going in for a kiss. I puckered my lips, and then realizing he had already passed them. I quickly bit my lip to cover up the embarrassment.

"I am never going to let you go." He whispered, slowly as he enveloped me in a hug.

I leaned my head on his shoulder as I watched a small group of youngsters playing tag.

I stifled a laugh as I saw a short boy, with fiery red hair almost fall over.

"Sh, Maddie don't be so mean. You're the clumsy one who broke your foot." Josh teased, playing with my hair.

I clenched my jaw. "Shut up, Joshua."

"Alright, Madison."

"You know that doesn't bother me anymore, right?" I giggled, my cheeks color changing from tan to a light red.

"Oh, and why not?" He mused, as he forced me to turn my head so that I was staring directly into his icy blue eyes.

"I'm used to it now!" I retorted, but not necessarily focusing on what I was saying.

I was entranced in Josh's eyes. They were always the first thing I noticed and they made my heart melt.

He bored his eyes into mine, seeing that I was entranced as he played along with his little game.

He grabbed the back up my head and forcefully pushed himself towards me, so that our lips were just brushing eachother, not exactly kissing.

I sucked in a breath, sort of hesitant.

I was scared to kiss him, it was strange.

When Josh was this close I kept having flashes of 'Curtis.'

Come on Maddie, you've kissed Josh before!

I squeezed my eyes shut and leaned in a tad bit more, just enough so that our lips were actually pressed together.

His hands entwined with mine and much too soon we broke apart.

I looked straight ahead and noticed the same boy with fiery red hair sneering at us. Oops.

Then out of nowhere I saw Elliot.

That, however, wasn't the bad part.

But, I am not going going to get there just yet.

I took in his appearance, noticing a large white cast on his right arm. His usually neat hair, was in a tousled mess. His eyes were lit with anger.

I guess he saw Josh and I kissing too.

Was he stalking me or something?

"Madison! What are you doing?" Elliot screamed, outraged.

I scoffed at him. "More like what were you doing with Kendall?"

His eyes darted to the ground, then back up at me. "That isn't important right now! You're dating me not...that!"

I looked over at Josh who seemed angry, but completely surprised.

"I'm not dating you." I spat in a cold tone.

Elliot looked hurt, but that was the least of my worries at this point.

"Maddie, you-you're dating him?" Josh asked in a small voice.

"N-no Josh, I can explain." I began.

Suddenly his tone of voice reached a new higher level as he practically yelled, "Explain nothing! While I thought you were dead I didn't date one single soul! You on the other hand had fucking sex and now you're dating this kid?"

My eyes widened in shock. I did not willingly have sex! He acted as if it were my fault! It was outrageous!

"That is preposterous! You know very well that I was raped!" I raged, but getting quieter once I said the rape part.

Josh clenched his jaw and whispered, "I doubt it," as he whirled around on his heel and stalked away.

I glared over at Elliot. "This is all your fault!" I fumed.

"I-I'm sorry." He whispered staring down on the ground.

I guess sense was finally knocked into him. We were over. He intentionally kissed Kendall right in front of me, and I unintentionally kissed Josh right in front of him. There was no going back.

"No, just leave Elliot." I said in a soft tone.

He stared up at me once more before hurriedly leaving.

Now it was just me, well and the mothers who were gaping at me for using such foul language. Oops.

I turned around ready for a long walk home considering I didn't have a ride anymore.

To make things even better, note the sarcasm, it began raining.

The weather today was just like my mood.

At first it was nice then it turned gloomy.

A/N: srry I just had to make a chapter with Josh and Elliot. Ugh i only have like 23 pages and I need 30. OMG THO YOU GUYS ARE THE BEST. YOU'RE LIKE ANGELS SENT FROM HEAVEN. ok maybe I'm exaggerating but srsly! I have 10k reads and I'm #771 in fanfiction! Ahh ilyasm! 20 votes and 10 comments for more ilyyy!

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