Chapter Thirty-One

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Chapter Thirty-One

Maddie's POV

I trudged towards my front porch, completely ignoring the numbness in my toes. The only thing I could hear, now that the rain had just cleared, was the steady drip drip drip of my hair and clothes as they were sopping wet.

I hurriedly swung the door to my house immediately feeling warmth course through my body. I wriggled my toes as the numbness disappeared and warmth took over.

The heat felt so welcoming verses the cold.

I sucked in a breath, hoping my mom wouldn't notice me. That, however, was a long shot considering my mom was glued to the couch in the living room, watching TV and the staircase to my room was right beside where my mom delicately sat.

She couldn't see me now. Uncontrollable tears were streaming down my face and I couldn't stop them. There was a ginormous lump in my throat and I just couldn't manage to swallow it.

I cautiously tip-toed towards the stairs, wincing every time I heard even the slightest creak.

I slowly, yet at the same time hurriedly, made my way up the stairs. Almost as soon as I reached the top of the stairs I heard my mom's shrill voice yell, "Madison Nicole Ziegler! Look at the mess you have just created! Clean it up now!"

I turned around noticing the muddy traces of my footsteps, that were now placed onto the hardwood floor that had just been cleaned.

I rolled my eyes, acting as if I hadn't heard her and continued towards my room, now ignoring even more of her frantic demands.

I quickened my pace and finally reached my room, locking the door behind me. I sunk down to the ground and began crying into the palms of my hands, as I let my thoughts wander.

What did Josh mean by, 'I doubt it.'

What, did he not believe I was raped?

I let out a bitter chuckle as I stared at a picture of Josh and I.

I grabbed the picture and quickly chucked it against my light pink walls that held silhouettes of ballerinas.

I watched as the glass on the picture shattered into thousands of pieces.

The picture held Josh and I at the beach. It was actually my favorite picture, and I believe it was his too.

I remember I had been so careless and free that day, which used to be so rare for me. I was normally uptight and always focusing on dance.

Anyways, we had gone to the beach and I was doing acro tricks and I nearly fell on my round-off back handspring because the sand was not packed enough.

I let out an aggravated groan and stomped on my most cherished memory, that was in a picture.

"Maddie, honey are you ok? You aren't acting like your usual self." My mom pitied, probably hearing my cries and the glass shattering.

"Go away!" I shouted, coming off a bit too harsh, which was unlike me.

"Maddie, please, just let me come in." My mom pleaded.

I sighed, giving in.

I sauntered towards the door and effortlessly swung it open, unlocking it first, of course.

My mom grabbed me, embracing me in a wet hug, being that my clothes were soaked with water, as I sobbed on her shoulder.

"Sh, Maddie, it's ok. What happened?" My mom cooed, rubbing my back.

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