Chapter Thirty-Three

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Chapter Thirty-Three

Maddie's POV

"Maddie, honey, come downstairs!" My moms shrill voice echoed throughout my house.

I rolled my eyes, but from the tone of her voice, I knew I should obey.

Plus, she actually sounded a bit excited. Hm.

I made my way downstairs, and met a pair of sad brown eyes that did not belong to my mother or Kenzie.

"Maddie?" A gruff voice came out.

I stopped in my tracks, frozen in fear, yet at the same time I wanted approval.

"A-Abby?" I choked out, tears filling my sapphire blue eyes.

"Maddie, come here." Abby cried, her arms wide open.

I ran into her arms, as she encased me into a long hug.

"I missed you Maddie." She whispered, thoughtfully.

"I'm so sorry Miss Abby." I quivered, for some odd reason, my voice coming out squeaky and shaky.

Then it dawned on me, that I had been crying.

I never realized I would have missed Abby so much, even after the wedge that was driven into whatever sort if relationship we shared at the competition.

"Sh, it's ok sweetie. Please don't cry." Abby cooed, stroking my soft brown hair.

"I-I disappointed you with my solo though."

Smooth Maddie.

Were you still caught up on this solo thing, really?

"Oh, no Maddie, you didn't disappoint me. You had so much pressure on you." Abby admitted, guilt taking over her emotions.

I finally broke away from her hug as I realized my mom was staring at me with her head cocked to the side, a small lopsided grin appearing on her face.

I ignored my mom, and stared back at Abby.

"Maddie, I want you back on the team." Abby smiled.

"Wh-what?" I asked in disbelief. I thought I blew it when I forgot my solo.

"I want you back on the team." She reiterated.

I let out a small gasp, as my hands flew up to my mouth.

"Oh my gosh, Abby! Thank you so much!" I shrieked.

I guess inside of me, I knew Abby would ask me to be back on the team, but when I imagined it, I always thought I would say no.

However, I knew I couldn't, as flashes of Mrs. Alexz easy choreography came into my mind. I was certainly not settling for that again.

Abby let out a sigh of relief, and turned her gaze towards my mother. "Alright mom, when should Maddie start? I was thinking today, it would be a great surprise for pyramid!" Abby gushed, excitement filling her eyes.

My mom nodded in approval.

"Alright Kiddo, I reckon you should get ready." Abby said, glancing at the clock. "Rehearsal is in thirty minutes."

With a wave of her hand, Abby marched off, probably towards the ALDC.

I quickly ran upstairs, more excitement coursing through my body than I had expected.

I longed for this moment more than I had realized.


I silently watched through the small window on the door, leading to Studio A, as Abby began ripping papers off of pictures.

"Alright girls, I have a surprise." Abby smiled, excitement written across her face.

I let out a breath, that I hadn't even realize I was holding and quickly opened then door once Abby motioned me.

As soon as I stepped foot into the studio, excited shrieks echoed throughout the room.

"Maddie!" A voice I recognized as Kendall's shrieked.

I embraced her in a hug as Abby warmly said, "Welcome back, Maddie."


"That was a long practice." Chloe panted, chugging her water bottle.

I nodded my head vigorously, feeling sweat drip down my face.

Was I that out of shape?

"Everyone, come over here!" Kendall hollered, motioning us to come forward.

I scampered towards Kendall, Chloe just nipping at my heels, reluctantly.

What if Kendall stole Josh too?

Then again, I wasn't even sure if Josh and I were an item anymore.

"Ok, so I think Maddie coming back counts as a celebration, right?" Kendall jeered, beaming at me in particular. "Well, to celebrate I say we should have a Dream Team sleepover tonight?"

We all nodded our heads in agreement, even me.

I was actually eager to meet up with Kendall and the other girls.

As soon as Kendall and I were alone, I was going to ask her all about what happened with Elliot.

This was perfect.

A/N: ooooo(: what do you think is going to happen? Omg though you guys, 20k reads? what had happened to my simple little story? ah thats crazy! and I have 1k votes! agh you guys are amazing! 20 comments for more! (At least ten of the comment have to be constructive criticism, ok? 40 votes for more too btw. Ily guys(:

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