Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

Maddie's POV

I was standing, well more like hiding, with my back pressed against the door.

I know this is wrong, but I couldn't help not to eavesdrop.

"She has been gone for three hours! It's nearly midnight!" I heard Bridgette frantically yell.

"Shut up Bridgette! She's fine!" Blaze shot back.

I rolled my eyes and chuckled.

Tell that to my broken foot.

"How do you know? You haven't even bothered looking for her! Gosh, you're such a prick!" Bridgette shouted.

"No I am not! I'm tired of this thing living here!" I heard her yell back.

"She isn't a thing." Clementine grumbled.

"Whatever." Blaze said. I could practically feel her rolling those stupid eyes of hers.

"Well, if she's hurt, it is all your fault! So congratulations! You won." Bridgette scoffed.

"No, if she's hurt it would be more like Karma for stealing!" She laughed.

"You really don't get it, do you? Imagine this, imagine you push her too far. You push her so far she kills herself. Just like you did to Naveah. Who knows, you might have already!" Bridgette spat out.

By now I heard sobs, most likely coming from Blaze.

I had no idea who Naveah was, but I was assuming she was close to them.

I slowly made my way into the room, so I could be seen.

Blaze's eyes widened and her jaw dropped.

"Wh-what happened?" Blaze stuttered, shakily.

I just ignored her as I plopped down onto my bed.

Clementine and Bridgette made their way over to me.

"What happened?" Bridgette asked, her voice full of concern.

I shrugged. "I ran outside and I slipped."

"I-I'm sorry. I should have backed you up earlier." Clementine said, looking guilty.

"No, it's alright." I smiled. "I just heard you talking to Blaze now."

Bridgette's eyes widened. "How much did you hear?" She questioned.

"Enough to wonder who Naveah is." I stated simply.

Bridgette and Clementine stared into each others eyes for a few moments, as if silently debating whether or not to tell me.

"We might as well tell you." Bridgette sighed. "Naveah, she was our old roommate, before you arrived. She was gorgeous, and I mean breath-taking. You should have seen her! She had gorgeous long blonde hair, and the most prettiest eyes! She was the perfect size and everyone was jealous of her. Especially Blaze. Blaze tormented her, in hopes of making herself feel prettier. She just attacked her; she attacked her so much the beautiful girl everyone wanted to be had killed herself. She swallowed sleeping pills; the whole bottle in fact. But....she was the nicest girl anyone had ever met. All she did was light up the room, and make everyone feel better, but no one had bothered to notice she needed to feel better. I-I feel so guilty, like I could have prevented it, and now I fear she's going to do the same thing to you!" Bridgette was now crying, along with Clementine.

"I'm so sorry." I sympathized.

They gave me small smiles and we all fell asleep, on my bed, crying.

A/N: awe! Comment your thoughts on Blaze and Naveah! 2 comments and 3 votes for more ily!!!

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