Chapter Eighteen

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Chloe's POV

Chapter Eighteen

• A few weeks after Maddie's disappearance

"Chloe, when are you going to come out of there?" I heard Clara's soft innocent voice call out from outside of my locked door.

I sighed and stood up, unlocking my door.

I wrapped Clara, who was now six years old, in a hug.

"I miss Maddie too." Clara whispered in my ear.

I smiled and I watched as a tear splashed the ground.

"Can we do something today Chloe?" Clara asked, smiling a bit.

"I guess so." I shrugged.

Clara's eyes lit up with excitement. She looked as if she were a but surprised I said yes, and it hurt me because I felt as if my relationship with Clara had been drifting away slowly since I became a teenager.

"What do you want to do?" I asked, trying my best to plaster on a convincing smile.

Clara giggled. "Chloe! Stop!"

"Stop what?" I laughed.

"Your smile! It's scaring me!" She smiled, having random fits of laughter in between.

My face turned crimson with embarrassment.

"Ok, what should we do?"

"Hm...Can we go ice-skating?"

"It's the middle of Summer, silly!" I laughed.

"Ugh! You pick! It's too hard!" She giggled.

"How about we go to the fair instead? It's walking distance and I have some money from babysitting!" I smiled.

I should have done this earlier. It was really keeping my mind off Maddie.

I mentally slapped myself. Now that I thought of Maddie it would be hard to get my thoughts off of her.

Oh gosh, I bet she's starving!

I shook my head, trying to stop my thoughts.

"Let's go Chlo-Bird!" Clara beamed.

I nodded my head and grabbed my iPhone and wallet. Clara and I carelessly ran towards the fair.


"We should go on the Ferris Wheel first!" Clara shrieked, excitedly.

"Ok, ok! Slow down there little one! We haven't even paid for our wristbands!" I laughed.

I went up to the ticket booth and paid for Clara's bracelet, then mine.

Clara jumped up in excitement as we ran to the Ferris Wheel.

Luckily, there was no line, so right away we sat on an orange cart as the ride began.

"Chloe, you're the best big sister ever!" Clara beamed up at me.

"Awe, Clara! You are the best little munchkin ever!" I teased, pinching her cheeks.

"I'm not little!" She squealed, defiantly crossing her arms over her chest and furrowing her eyebrows.

"Yeah Clara, sure you aren't!"

"That's what I thou-" Clara began, but she was cut off by the ring of my cell phone.

"Hello?" I said, staring off into the distance.

"Chloe? Where are you and Clara?" My mom asked. I could hear the worry in her voice.

"At the fair, why?" I asked.

"I would rather I tell you this in person, but...I think you need to know." My mom sighed.

"What? Is it about Maddie?" I practically screamed, getting anxious and excited.

What if they found her?!?!

"Y-yes Chloe, it is." My mom trailed off, as I heard a few sobs.

Oh god, this can't be good news.

"M-Maddie, she's dead." My mom spoke, her words echoing through my head.

I dropped my iPhone and watched as it hit the ground from nearly the top of the ferris wheel, but I could care less.

I sobbed uncontrollably, my shoulders heaving up and down.

"Chloe, what happened?" I heard Clara ask innocently.

"M-Maddie is dead." I said quietly, nearly a whisper and barely audible.

However, somehow Clara managed to make out my words and she cried along with me.

What made it worse, was the fact that the ferris wheel had always been Maddie's favorite ride.


"Does anyone have any words to say about Madison Nicole Ziegler?" An old pastor asked, with a kind welcoming smile.

Tears brimmed my eyes as I shakily stood up and stood behind the podium.

"Maddie. Oh gosh Maddie. She was the kind of girl you wanted to be like. I remember her bubbly personality, she lit up the whole room." I smiled to myself. "A few days ago....Clara and I went on Maddie's favorite ride. The-the ferris wheel." I choked out. "That was probably my favorite memory that I have had with Maddie. When we went to the fair together, and we rode the ferris wheel at nearly eleven at night. The stars were so beautiful." I looked up, as if replaying the memory in my head. "I miss you Maddie." I whispered.

A few more speeches later, a line formed to fill things in Maddie's empty casket, memories. Things that reminded us of cherished memories with Maddie.

Shortly, my turned arrived to place an item in the casket. I smiled sadly, and I gently placed a small teddy bear dressed in a tutu in the coffin.

"It's all yours Maddie." I smiled sadly, letting a tear splash on the Teddy Bear's tutu.

• Flashback •

"Oh my gosh!" I exclaimed. "Maddie! Wouldn't it be amazing to win that teddy bear? Ah! It even has a tutu!" I gestured toward the small teddy bear.

Maddie laughed. "Of course it would be! I'll win it for you!" Maddie smiled.

The aroma of cotton candy and popcorn filled the air at the annual Summer Fair.

"Excuse me, can I have ten rings?" Maddie asked, flashing a smile.

"Sure thing! The object of the game is to get one of those rings on the bottle! Good luck!" The game attendant said, in a fake-happy sort of way.

Maddie nodded her head and threw a ring at the glass bottle of soda.

I laughed at her as she failed miserably the first few times.

She squinted her eyes at me.

"Oh Lukasiak, I'll win one! You watch!" Maddie laughed, and winked her eye.

"At the rate we're going it will take a year!" I teased.

She threw another ring and it landed perfectly on the bottle.

"Bam! Don't speak too soon Chloe!" Maddie laughed.

"Ah! Which one would you like?" The game attendant asked.

"The bear with a tutu!" Maddie beamed, as the game attendant handed her the bear.

"Merry Christmas!" Maddie laughed, handing me the teddy bear.

"It's the middle of July, Maddie!" I scoffed, patting her on the head.

"Whatever!" She giggled, carelessly rolling her eyes. "Uhm, you're welcome!"

"Why thank you, your royal highness!" I said, formally.

A/N: awe idk i liked this chapter. well at least the flashback! it shows maddie and chloes friendship! *tear* 7 comments and 20 votes for more!

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