Chapter Fifteen

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Kenzie's POV

• A few weeks after Maddie went missing •

"M-Mackenzie, sit down honey." My mom stammered, patting her bed, silently telling me to sit there.

I shakily made my way to her bed and sat down.

Something was wrong. The look in my moms eyes, the expression painted on her face, it showed it all.

"What's wrong? Is it about Maddie?" I asked, my voice sounding hushed and raspy.

My voice actually startled me quite a bit.

I sounded terrifying, and I could tell my mom was taken by surprise too.

"Yes, sweetie, it is." My mom sighed, staring at the ground as if she were tracing the patter of the wood.

"Well, what is it?" I questioned, my voice gradually getting louder.

"Sh-she's dead. There haven't been any traces of her whatsoever. I-I'm sorry Kenz." My mom informed me.

No. This isn't right. It can't be! My older sister, she can't be dead! She's only thirteen!

I collapsed to the ground, crying, as my shoulders heaved up and down.

"Mackenzie I-" My mom began, in an attempt to comfort me.

"N-no mom, stop! I want to be alone!" I cried as I ran off to my room, my feet making a continuous soft thud thud thud noise.

I slammed my bedroom door shut in a huff and watched as pictures on my wall began to tremble.

One of the pictures fell with a bang and I heard glass shattering.

My gaze focused on the picture that had just fallen.

Of course it would be this picture.

The picture held my favorite memory.

It was of Maddie and I hold Maliboo. We had wide smiles spread across our face and there were presents left unopened in the background.

She had the same exact picture tucked away safely into her purse.

The thought of it made me cry even harder.

I picked up the picture, not caring about the small shards of glass that were digging into my skin.

I took the picture and threw it at my neon blue walls.

"Stupid picture." I grumbled, rolling my eyes.


I gazed at the black casket, that remained empty.

I saw a picture of Maddie, that had flowers delicately placed around it.

A tear slipped down my cheek and splashed onto my leg.

I looked around me and saw everyone wearing either black dresses or black tuxedos.

I looked over at Chloe and she smiled at me, sadly. I didn't smile back. I couldn't smile back. It was as if it weren't humanly possible for me.

I had slipped into a state of severe depression and I couldn't get out.

"Would anyone else like to say any words about Madison Ziegler?" A pastor, asked standing behind a podium.

My mom eyed me, as if she were telling me to go up there.

I sighed and stood behind the podium.

"Where can I start? Maddie, oh Maddie, she was my inspiration. I looked up to her in so many ways. We rarely fought with each other. We were like best friends. I still remember everything about Maddie. The way she talked, the way she laughed, everything. I guess it sounds kind of strange, coming from her sister, but she was everything. I told Maddie everything, and I'm going to miss her. I already do, it feels like she's just on some long vacation. But, I know she isn't. She's not coming back. Ever. But, I want her to know I love her, like a sister at least." Tears were beginning to brim my eyes. "Rest in peace Maddie, rest in peace." I whispered, staring at the closed casket.

I sat down as my mom gave me a nod of approval.

People lined up and began putting items in the casket, things that reminded them of Maddie.

When it was my turn, I gently placed the picture of Maddie and I in the casket and walked away slowly.

They lowered the coffin into the ground and I fell to the floor, once again crying.

A/N: awe this was a sad chapter omggg. I might make chapters like this in all the girls POV's? What do you think? and Melissa's too lol ok. 7 comments and 20 votes for more!

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