Chapter Thirty-Six

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Authors Note: This chapter is dedicated to @californiadventure because she made my new cover and she gave me the amazing idea for this next chapter and well, the rest of the book. I'm finishing this story soon!

I marked my dance one more time as the girl before me performed her sassy jazz number.

The final beats of her music came and I quickly shook out my ankles and my wrists.

The girl, Isabella, sashayed off the stage, panting, when she finally reached the wings.

She sent me an innocent smile as if to say, good luck. I smiled back at her.

"Up next to the stage is contestant number thirty-four, Maddie, with Torn Between the Two." The announcer boomed into the microphone.

I painted a sad expression on my face as I did a lyrical walk onto the stage.

I had to win this, for Abby. I had to prove to her that I was a fighter, and that I can pour my heart and soul into a dance.

The music started and I began with a tombe pas de bourree glissade assemble. From there, I went into a front aerial, then a triple balancè turn, roll-down.

Every single leap, turn, and aerial was perfectly on sync.

My emotion towards the dance was incredible, considering the lyrics fit my situation amazingly.

I began a series of fouetté's as I imagined Josh and Elliot.

I know how cliché this is, but by the end of the dance I was so close to tears. I had to bite the inside of my cheek to keep the tears from spilling out.

I got to my ending pose and watched as every single person in the crowd stood up and began applauding. I had a standing ovation.

I nearly broke my character by smiling, but I managed to cover it up with a grimace.

I sashayed off the stage and as soon as my foot touched the backstage area I was embraced by a huge hug from Paige and Mackenzie.

"You were amazing!" Mackenzie beamed, breaking the hug. "Were you about to cry?"

I nodded my head as I sniffled a bit. "Yes, Mackenzie, I was." I smiled, finally being able to wipe away a tear.

"You did great! My solo has no chance for yours!" Paige exclaimed.

I shrugged. "I'm sure it does!"


"Maddie! You were spectacular up there! That is the best you have ever danced! You poured your soul into that dance and I am proud!" Abby gushed, wrapping me in a warm hug.

I stared up into her brown eyes, that danced with anticipation and I exclaimed, "Thank you so much, Abby. That means a lot!"

"Of course!" Abby smiled, then brought her tone down to a lower level, that was barely audible. "I'm so sorry that I ever doubted you, Maddie."


"Second place, in the teen division, goes to Paige from the Abby Lee Dance Company with All That Jazz!" The announcer spoke into the microphone, as Paige stood up, grinning from ear to ear, as she accepted her award.

"Now, I would like to recognize this next dancer with three things. This dancer got a perfect score, the best emotion of the day award, and first overall. Everyone, please give an applause for the overall winner, Maddie with Torn Between the Two!"

My mouth opened in shock. Had I really won all of those awards?

I felt a small nudge in my ribs and I looked over to see Brooke.

"Maddie, go accept your awards!" Brooke beamed.

I hastily stood up and scampered towards the man.

"What studio are you from?" The announcer asked.

"The Abby Lee Dance Company!" I jeered into the microphone.

The man nodded his head and handed me my trophy. I stood up next to him and we both plastered a large smile onto our faces as the photographer snapped a picture.

I went back into line and stood in fifth-position, waiting for us to be dismissed.

"Great job, Mads!" Paige whispered.

"Same to you." I whispered back.

"Those are the top ten dancers today at Starbound! Great job everyone!" The announcer beamed.

I walked back to where I was sitting originally and plopped down, happy as can be.


"Ahh! Clean sweep! Great job girls, especially Maddie! Your solo was phenomenal!" Abby gushed. "Pack up your things, girls, I say we should celebrate with ice-cream!"

We all nodded our heads vigorously, radiant that Abby was happy with us.

I began packing my make-up and costumes into my pink suitcase, being that now I was changed into fuzzy slippers, black sweatpants, and the ALDC track suit.

Little did I know, my life was about to be changed forever.

I loud knock on the door interrupted our chatter as I went to open it.

"Are you Madison Ziegler?" A man asked in a sophisticated tone.

"Uhm, yes, I am." I smiled.

"I am a scout for the prestigious ballet school, Joffrey. Surely, you have heard of it?"

"Y-yes, I have heard of it! It is my dream to go there!" I exclaimed, my smile growing wider.

Was this actually happening?

"Your dreams are about to be answered because on behalf of Joffrey, I am here to inform you that we would like for you to attend the school."

I let out a loud squeal, realizing all the attention in the room was focused on us.

"Oh my gosh! Thank you so much!" I gushed. "When do I start?"

"I was hoping next weekend. We really need a dancer like you for our next performance and it is best if you start soon. I just need to go over the details with your mother."

My face dropped.

Next weekend? That was so soon!

I sucked in a deep breath and nodded my head.

"My mom is right over there." I smiled, gesturing towards my mom.

A/N: Only a few more chapters left omgggg! 15 comments and 50 votes for more!

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