Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Chapter Twenty-Eight

Maddie's POV

I fluttered my eyes open to a baby pink curtain that let light seep into the room. I was a bit confused to my surroundings.

The bed I was currently lying on held a zebra duvet, not the dull white one from the orphanage; and the bed from the orphanage wasn't even remotely close to as comfortable this one was.

Then all the memories came flooding back to me, from the hospital to the unforgiving gruffly man.

I squeezed my eyes shut and let a single tear drop down my cheek.

I had to tell someone, right? About the man, didn't I? I was frightened though. What if he manages to find me and, as he threatened, kill me.

I let out an exasperated groan, tugging on my hair from the roots lightly, as I didn't want to actually tear it out.

I plopped backwards onto my bed, that I had been sitting up on, letting sleep take over my body once again.

Well almost. Just as I was about to drift into unconsciousness there was a loud bang on my door.

"Maddie? May I come in?" Mackenzie's small, quiet voice travelled from the room.

I sat upright before I croaked out, "Sure." I jumped a bit, startled by the raspiness of my voice. It was frightening.

Apparently, Mackenzie thought the same thing, considering when she entered the room her eyes were widened with shock.

"Are you going to come downstairs? Breakfast is ready." Mackenzie began, but she realized I had been crying from traces of dry tears that stained my face. "What's wrong Maddie?"

I could see the concern in her eyes. Her eyes held fear even, she was probably scared I would run off again or something.

I let out a breath that I hadn't even realized I had been holding and started off by saying, "Mackenzie, I remember."

"Well, yes, I figured that out." Mackenzie said in a 'duh' sort of tone, and let out a small chuckle.

For whatever reason, it was really irritating me how she was taking it so lightly. I bit back the bad choices of words that could spill out of my mouth at any moment, and instead I chose the words, "No Mackenzie, I remember what happened to me..why I lost my memory."

"Ok, then why is that a bad thing?" Mackenzie asked, innocently.

"Just let me explain." I looked up into her eyes and told her everything. The full story, and honestly it was relieving to get it off my chest even though I had only remembered for a few hours.

After I was finished, Mackenzie bored her eyes into mine, checking for any signs of me lying. Apparently, she found nothing because her eyes changed into belief, yet shock.

Something wet dropped down my face. I felt my cheek and realized it was a tear. I hadn't even realized that I was crying.

Mackenzie wrapped me in a hug as I wept into her shoulder.


"Maddie, it's ok, just tell them." My mom soothed, in a hushed, yet cal sort of tone. She grabbed a piece of my brunette hair and tucked it behind my ear, giving me a reassuring smile. I smiled up at her, despite the fact that I was trying my best to ignore the feeling of nervousness, that I just couldn't seem to shake off.

We were at the local police station to tell them about the..mishap.

I didn't want to call it a rape. It didn't feel right or maybe it was because I didn't want to believe it. I just wasn't comfortable saying it, or even thinking it.

On another note, everyone had left the house about two hours after I had fallen asleep because they gave up on waiting for me. That was probably for the best though, because I fell asleep around ten at night and woke up at nine in the morning when Mackenzie came into my room.

After I told Mackenzie, I confessed the entire story to my mom and we all drove over to the police station, and now we were sitting in a question room, where basically the police interview possible suspects of a crime.

I sucked in a breath and began the story, telling the police everything. Every last detail, from the creases on his forehead, to his hands that were filled with calluses in hopes of finding the mans identity, so that he couldn't do what he did to me to anyone else.

I had a feeling he had done it before. Just the way he didn't show any guilt or regret after he finished. He was a monster.

In between my story the policeman had grunted here an there, recording my entire story on a tape.

I looked up into the man's eyes. They held a..confused unexplainable expression. They even held a bit of shock mixed with disbelief.

He squeezed his eyes shut, as if what he were thinking was killing him. "One moment please."

I gulped and nodded my head as he left the room and returned with a man in a police uniform. He held a wide smile on his face, but one his gaze landed on me his smile quickly dropped.

"Curtis, I believe you have met Madison here before." The policeman that had just interviewed me said in a stern voice.

I gulped and stared at the man who had just been brought in.

It was him. The man who stole my innocence.

I bursted into tears and stared at the wooden patter on the table in front of me.

This confirmed everything. That it wasn't just a dream.

The policeman rubbed my back awkwardly.

"It's ok. He's going to jail." He pressed a finger up to his lips and attempted to shush me.

I nodded my head, thankful that 'Curtis' wasn't the man who had interviewed me.

A/N: 10 comments and 25 votes for more please.! ilyasm.! opinions? Ooo and this was exactly 1001 words long, so longer than usual!(:

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