Chapter Nineteen

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Nia's POV

Chapter Nineteen

• A few weeks after Maddie's disappearance •

I laughed, splashing Brett in the pool.

Sure, we were only friends, but he really knew how to take my mind off things.

"Did you just splash the almighty King?" He said, jokingly.

I threw my head back in laughter, and splashed him again.

"Oh it is on Sioux!" He smiled, as he swam towards me and grabbed my ankle.

I shrieked in surprised as he pushed me underneath the water.

I emerged from the surface having random fits of laughter.

His gaze met mine and his dark chocolate brown eyes bored into mine.

I blushed and looked down.

He grabbed me and pushed me towards him, as he forcefully pressed his lips into mine.

We let go of this kiss and I gasped.

"Nia, I think I love you." He whispered in my ear.

I smiled up at him and whispered back, "I love you too."

He swiftly made his way out of the pool and into the house.

"Brett! Don't abandon me!" I laughed, chasing after him.

"I'm not abandoning you! Just leaving you outside by yourself!" He laughed and swiftly stepped into his house, locking the glass door.

"Brett!" I laughed. "Open the door!"

"I would rather watch you struggle!" He beamed, so proud of himself.

"Oh, would you now?" I laughed, picking up his iPhone 5s. "Now, would you like to see your brand new iPhone struggle?" I laughed jokingly.

His eyes widened and he quickly opened the door, reaching for his phone.

"My baby!" He laughed, snatching his phone away from me.

I scurried inside, Brett just behind me, probably afraid I would lock him out. Ha.

I jumped, my heart beat quickening, as the sound of my phone ringing startled me.

"Yes mom?" I sighed, knowing she would probably just be checking up on me.

"Nia? I need to tell you something." My mom said, anxiously.

"Well, what is it?" I laughed, carelessly.

"It's about Maddie." She said gravely.

"Oh god, is she ok?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows.

"N-no. Maddie's dead." My mom said into the phone and began sobbing.

"Oh god no! Mom! You're lying!" I cried.

"N-no, Nia I'm not!" My mom stuttered.

As much as I didn't want to believe her I did.

"Oh my god." I cried, shaking uncontrollably.

I hung up, not wanting to talk.

"Uh, Nia? Are you ok? You look sickly." Brett asked, concern filling his eyes.

I felt a bit dizzy and woozy.

"Um n-no Brett, I'm not. Maddie, my best friend, is dead." I cried.

He held onto me as I fell asleep crying onto his shoulder.


I sighed, rubbing my hands over my dress, to smooth out the crinkles.

I stood up behind the podium staring at the pupils around me, all wearing black.

"Maddie was my best friend. We had so many cherished memories that I could never forget, to this day. But, I would have to say my favorite one was when we made that music video together." I smiled to myself. "I remember you choreographed the number and we danced to the song 'Royals.' Oh gosh, it was so much fun! Remember all those pictures we took? We posted them all over Instagram, probably annoying our followers considering we posted about thirty!" I snorted at the memory. "Maddie, you will always be my inspiration!" I smiled. "I love you Maddie Moo." I whispered.

A few more kind words about Maddie were said by other people and then I, being the first person in line, gave Maddie something I cherished the most about our friendship.

I placed a best friend necklace inside the opened casket.

• Flashback •

"Hi! You seem pretty cool, we should hang out!" I pretty girl with long brown hair and blue eyes said, bouncing on her heels.

I blushed. "Uhm, thank you. I guess we should." I smiled.

I was just six years old at the time, but I knew my manners.

You always said thank you when given a compliment!

This was some sort of weird compliment though.

We began talking and we realized we had both gone to the same dance studio, I just was in the intermediate classes, and she was in the advanced.

Maddie was the one who ended up lighting my fire. She was my inspiration to focus and try my hardest in dance, so that is why I am where I am today.

A few weeks after we first met Maddie happily gave me a 'Best Friend' necklace and to this day I still have it.

• Flashback Over •

A/N~ 7 comments and 20 votes for more!(: I have up to Chapter Twenty One written(:

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