Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

Maddie's POV

I scoffed at the easiness of this dance.

According to Miss Alexz, the dance teacher, I was a natural. But, I had a strong feeling I was a dancer before.

"Five six seven eight!" Miss Alexz yelled, signaling us to start the dance she had choreographed for us.

We began running through the dance when someone rudely interrupted us.

Miss Alexz stopped the music as we all focused our attention on the boy, probably around the same age as me, who had entered the room.

"Ah! Elliot! There you are!" Miss Alexz shouted with delight.

"Sorry to interrupt! I was late because I had some school work to finish! I am crazy behind in math!" He panted as if he had just run a mile.

"Can we get back to the dance?" I flouted, rolling my eyes.

His face flushed red with embarrassment.

"Who is that?" He questioned.

"Well, you're a rude one aren't you?" I hissed, chuckling a bit.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Is it time for your medication?" He scorned.

I pressed my lips into a thin line. "I would have a witty comeback, but with your IQ I don't think you would understand."

He sniggered at my remark.

"Whoever told you to-" He began, but Miss Alexz cut him off.

"Stop fighting like children!"

"Well, I suppose I will try being nicer to him if he tries being smarter." I retorted, snickering a bit.

Miss Alexz glared at me.

"That's it! Class is dismissed for the day!" Miss Alexz ranted.

I sneered at her decision and stalked off to my room.

I opened the door in a hurry, not wanting to meet up with 'Elliot.'

Much to my surprise, three girls were sitting in the room, shocked expressions on their faces.

"Uhm, who are you?" A girl with long blonde hair ridiculed.

"What's it to you?" I scorned.

A pang of guilt hit me as I saw hurt flash across her face.

Great job Madison.

"Well, normally, stangers don't just burst into our dorm." She surmised.

"Well, I happen to be your new roommate." I hissed.

She narrowed her eyes.

"You? Why would they let you in our dorm! Animals are strictly prohibited!" She sniggered.

"That isn't very nice, Blaze." A girl that looked a bit younger than 'Blaze' scolded.

The girl has light blonde hair and innocent brown eyes.

"Bridgette! I don't care if it was nice or not! I don't want her here! No one does! I heard she's horribly rude!" Blaze remarked.

"I don't care what you even say! You act like I want to be here. Well, I don't!
Just leave me alone!" I grumbled, letting a tear slide down my cheek.

A/N: oooo 2 comments for more! and possibly votes? idk. im entering this in the watty awards yay.

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