Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Authors Note: You guys make me laugh ok, I love your comments 😂 last chapter awe ):

Chapter Thirty-Seven

Maddie's POV

"M-Maddie, I don't want you to leave! You just came back!" Mackenzie cried into my shoulder, as I wrapped her in a hug.

"Sh, Mackenzie, it's ok. I will always visit! This is my dream, I have to pursue it!" I cooed, tucking a piece of her chestnut hair behind her ear.

"Do you pinky-swear you will visit?" Mackenzie asked in a juvenile sort of way, considering she was eleven.

"Yes, I do, and I will call you whenever I get the chance, ok?" I reassured her, smiling.

"Ok." Mackenzie said, unsurely.

"My turn!" My mom shouted, as she wiped away a few tears.

Mackenzie broke away from the hug, and my mom replaced her spot instead.

"You need to be careful! You are only thirteen years old and you're leaving! You're lucky it is a boarding school!"

"Mom, it's ok! Joffrey is an extremely safe school and I promise not to wander off." I said, sending a small smile in her direction.

"Oh, I can't believe my baby is leaving me!" My mom gushed.

"Don't worry, mom! I will call you all the time and I will visit!"

My mom nodded her head, wiping away yet another stray tear.

"Ok, well, I need to say goodbye to Abby, mom." I said awkwardly, gesturing towards Abby, who happened to be crying also.

"Oh come here, Maddie!" Abby smiled.

I obeyed her, without a second thought, and embraced her in a hug.

"I am so proud of you, Maddie. I am really going to miss you in rehearsal. I don't know how this team is going to manage." Abby sighed. "You are the glue that holds them together."

I smiled. "Don't worry Miss Abby, they'll manage. They lasted a whole year without me, didn't they?"

She nodded her head. "Whenever you come to visit, I want you to take a class at the ALDC, and maybe teach a few also?"

I nodded my head. "Of course, Miss Abby."

"Don't forget to call me too and tell me the parts you get in the dance!"

"I won't! Thank you for being my dance teacher. I wouldn't be here without you."

"I wouldn't have it any other way." She smiled.

I heard a honk coming from outside.

"Well, that's my ride. Bye Miss Abby." I said, hugging her one last time. "Bye mom, Kenzie."

They all waved goodbye as I grabbed my suitcases and waltzed towards the taxi.

I took a deep breath, taking in the scenery of my childhood home, one last time.

This was the end to an amazing time, yet a start to a new beginning.


I walked into the airport, excited for my fresh start.

My phone had been blown up with thousands of text messages saying, 'I miss you! I love you! Call me when your flight lands!' etc.

I've only been gone for an hour, my gosh.

I pushed the thought away of my family and friends as I walked up to a Starbucks.

I had time to kill, so why not?

"Hello! What would you like to order?" The girl behind the cash register asked in a falsetto cheery tone.

"Hm, can I have a tall vanilla been latte with low-fat whoop cream?" I asked, flashing a smile.

She nodded her head, making the order.

"That would be $6.82." She informed me.

I nodded my head and handed her the change as I grabbed my latte and headed towards 'Terminal Three.'

I glanced down at the time on my phone. The plane should be boarding in about five minutes.

I groaned, realizing I would be one of the first to board. Considering I was in first class, courtesy of Joffrey.

Not that I'm complaining, it's just that I don't want to miss my flight.

I picked up my pace, and suddenly heard someone shout, "Madison! Madison Ziegler! Where are you?"

I ignored the shouts, thinking it was just some obsessed fan, or perhaps I was just imagining it.

"Madison, please stop!" The voice shouted once again, frantically.

I turned around on my heel.

"What?" I snapped. "I'm going to miss my flight, so you better hurry!"

My gaze landed on none other than Elliot.



"Actually, I prefer Maddie." I said, in a cold tone.

"Ok, sorry." He darted his eyes to the ground. "Maddie, I-I'm sorry. I was a jerk for what I did. Please, please accept my apology. I've realized that I have an undying love for you, Madison Nicole Ziegler. Please, take me back! I am so sorry!" By now he was full on begging.

Everyone was watching us. I heard random whispers of, "I wish someone would do that for me!" and a small, "Awe!"

Trust me, hun, you do not wish someone would do that for you.

"Elliot, I-I'm sorry, but no. Even if I said yes, this-us, we would never work out. I'm moving to New York and I can't even trust you! What you did to Kendall was just wrong!" The words escaped my lips.

He averted his eyes. "M-Maddie, I know what I did to Kendall was wrong, but I am willing to move with you! Please?" He cried.

"No, Elliot. I'm sorry." I said.

"The flight from Pittsburg to New York is now boarding Priority and First-Class." The intercom went off.

"Maddie, please." He said quietly.

"You had your chance, and you blew it. I have to go Elliot, I'm sorry. Goodbye." I said, pressing my lips into a thin line.

I whirled around on my heals, glancing at Elliot one last time, as I took of towards terminal three in a rush.

Thankfully, I reached the area pretty soon and I made my way onto the flight.

I sat down in my assigned seats and plugged my earphones into my ears, playing my solo music from last weekend.

I know I lost my memories for a short period of time, but I have a feeling these memories will be my best.

Yes, I have had a hectic time, but it truly was unforgettable.

Authors Note~ Oh my god. I can't believe Faded Memories is actually over. This is the last chapter, yes.

I was like crying when I wrote this chapter. Why is this so emotional?!?

I think I might make a sequel to this about Maddie's time at Joffrey, but you guys need to help me decide if I should? Also, I need help on a need story name if I were to do the sequel.

So, basically, the story will be about Maddie's time at Joffrey, yes.

But, I want to thank all of you for being the most amazing readers in the history of readers! This is insane!

My small little story has 26.3k reads and 1.2k votes! What happened? I hope one day it can reach 50k and then eventually 100k!

Omg, you guys really are the best! I am going to miss writing this!

I really am thinking of writing a sequel, but I don't know.

I love you guys omggg!

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