Chapter One

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Chapter One

Maddie's POV

"Sweetie, are you awake?" A nurse that looked about twenty-two asked, with a polite smile spread across her face.

The unfamiliar lady had short, yet styled, brown hair with bangs that reached a bit past her eyebrows. Her make-up seemed to be perfectly done, in a Barbie sort of manner. She was actually quite pretty.

Startled by another presence, my eyes widened and my heart beat picked up a few paces.

I took a moment to redeem my self and croaked out, "Y-yes."

I furrowed my eyebrows, confused and startled by my own voice.

My voice sounded raspy, as if I hadn't talked for days, or hadn't drunken any water for weeks. It was gruffly and mysterious. Weird.

She looked a bit startled at my response, as she assumed I was still asleep, or perhaps she was surprised by my voice too. However, her eyes told a different story. Her eyes lit up with excitement.

The nurse smiled, a bit too excitedly, and plopped down on a stool.

She whipped out a small pocket-sized notepad and a pen. She flipped the notepad open to the first page.

"Do you know who you are?" She questioned.

"Um...." I mumbled, "I don't think so."

The nurse nodded and jotted something down onto the notepad.

"Do you recall your birthday?"

I shook my head and let out an exasperated sigh.

"Ok." She mumbled while continuing to write.

"Hm. Does the name 'Madison Ziegler' ring a bell?" The nurse asked.

"Not at all." I sighed.

She continued to question me, receiving no answers before she left the small room.

A few minutes after the nurse had left a middle-aged doctor came into the room with a bright, yet curious smile.

He had short brown hair, that was actually a bit messy. The attire he had on was a white lab coat and blue pants. He had thick glasses placed on the bridge of his nose ever so carefully. From the looks of it, the pair of glasses were probably very old.

He sat down and started to read the nurses scribblings, grunting here and there.

"Ah, well this makes sense." He said, talking to himself more than to me.

"What does?" I asked, my curiosity getting to me.

"Well, you have severe trauma to your head. You were involved in some sort of accident. We do not have any clue as of to who your relatives are. All we have are the contents of your purse." The doctor informed me, holding up a purple purse.

"Inside your purse, there were two pictures," he gestured toward the photos of the mysterious girls, "You seem to be the girl with brown hair and blue eyes." His face softened and he smiled at me.

"Wait, how does the nurse that was here earlier know my name?"

"Ah, on the inside of your purse was a tag with the name 'Madison Ziegler,' so we are assuming that is you."

I nodded my head before asking, "How did I get here?"

He chuckled.

"We would like to know the same thing."

A look of confusion spread across my face. Someone had to bring me here? I couldn't just suddenly appear in a hospital out of thin air!

He saw my confusion and so he answered, "You stumbled in here clutching onto your purse. Almost as soon as you walked in the door, however, you collapsed and blacked out."

I nodded my head once again and mumbled, "Well, now what?"

"That's what I was just wondering. There have been no reports of missing children filed around this area."

Shocked he heard my grumblings, I took a minute to process what he had said, and finally answered by saying, "So, there are no more traces leading to me?"

He sighed. "Well, there was a-" he began, but a nurse barged into the room and cut him off.

"Wait, stop! Don't overwhelm her! She needs some rest!" The mysterious nurse said, frantically, as if her job were on the line.

"Uhm no, I'm fine." I chimed in.

The nurse glared at me, as if she were silently scolding me, before stalking off.

"Someone's uptight." I grumbled rolling me eyes.

The doctor sighed and said, "I suppose she is right. Maybe after a good nights rest you will regain some memory. Alright Madison, I will talk to you tomorrow."

I sighed and watched him leave without another word.

I closed my eyes, and drifted into a deep sleep.

A/N: omggg yay! i love this story idk man. pls share it? if i enter it in the watry awards it has to become the least bit popular yanno? lol save the voting for january 6th 😉 and 2 comments for mooore!(: ilyyy

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