Chapter Seventeen

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Kendall's POV

Chapter Seventeen

• A few weeks after Maddie's disappearance •

I smiled, letting the hot Summer sun beat down on my skin. The grass tickled my bare feet as I walked in the park.

I sighed and sat down on a wooden bench, conveniently located right next to a fountain. Oh my, how beautiful that fountain was.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath .

I opened them to see a familiar face.

"Hi Babe!" Elliot smiled.

"Hey Elliot!" I smiled back and he gave me a quick peck on the cheek.

That's right. I, Kendall Vertes, had a boyfriend. He was perfect too.

I let my thoughts wander as I thought about Elliot.

We had been dating for about a year and a half and by now we were extremely close. We had started off as friends, I had met him in school.

Then everything changed, one day. He told me a secret. Well, not necessarily a secret, just something he didn't like to bring up.

He told me his parent died in a car crash a few years back, so now he was stuck at 'Sunny Hills Orphanage.'

That name didn't seem fitting, though. Orphanages don't remind me of sunshine!

I guess after he began to trust me with that our relationship became stronger and we just ended up boyfriend and girlfriend.

"Would you do me the honor of going out to dinner with me?" Elliot asked, interrupting my thoughts. He made the tone of his voice sound formal, and I loved it when he did that!

I giggled, and my face turned crimson. "Why of course, kind sir!" I laughed, playing along.

"Alright then m'lady, let us go!" He shouted throwing his fist up into the air.


Elliot and I sat at a secluded table in what appeared to be a pretty fancy restaurant.

"What is the special occasion, Elliot? Taking me out to a fancy restaurant, hm?" I laughed, letting my silky brown hair flow, as I bowed my head down, looking at my sparkly shoes.

"Oh, I can't take you out to a nice dinner just because?" He laughed, causing me to chuckle.

"You? Elliot Jamison? Of course not!"

"Well, I thought it would be nice to take you out to dinner, miss Kendall K Vertes." He laughed.

I joined in with his laughter as my phone started ringing.

I groaned as I picked it up.

"Yes mother?" I asked, emphasizing mother with attitude.

"M-Maddie's dead." She said shakily, ignoring my sour attitude.

"Wait, what? I think I misheard you." I told her, the color draining from my face.

"Kendall, Maddie is dead." My mom cried out.

I heard my heart pounding in my chest, as if it were about to explode. Everything seemed to be in slow motion now, and I heard no other noise, except for my heart beat.

I dropped my phone to the floor, not even bothering to pick it up as I sobbed uncontrollably.

Maddie's dead? No! Not Maddie! She's my best friend!

I had known she had gone missing...but I didn't think she would be dead.

"Kendall? Kendall?! Are you ok?" Elliot asked, his eyebrows furrowed together.

"N-no, I have to go." I breathed, and ran out of the diner.

I ran as much as my legs could carry myself, not even caring where I was headed.


"Maddie, you are...were an amazing friend. You were like a sister to me. You share my most treasured memory. Oh Maddie, you really do. Remember the day we both ditched dance and went to the water park instead?" I laughed, staring straight at Abby. "We had so much fun, well, up until our parents caught us and grounded us." I looked down at my dress and smiled, a sad smile. "You told me you liked this dress. You said it was your favorite." A tear slid down my cheek, causing a streak of eyeliner to run down my face, but I wiped it away. "You were the best friend I could ever ask for." I whispered, with a hoarse voice.

I sat back down in the foldable chairs and smoothed out the wrinkles in my dress.

A few more people gave speeches and we all lined up to put items in Maddie's empty casket.

My turn approached quickly as I gently placed decorated tan Jazz Shoes in the casket.

"You can keep them Maddie. I'm sorry." I whispered, as a tear splashed into the casket.

• Flashback •

"Oh my gosh Kendall! Those are the cutest Jazz Shoes!" Maddie squealed, smiling.

"Thank you!" I smiled, admiring my new decorated shoes.

"Can I borrow them?" Maddie asked, a smile spread across her face.

I narrowed my eyes, thinking of an excuse as of to why she couldn't wear them.

I just bought them and I wasn't going to let anyone touch my precious baby's!

"Uhm no. Sorry." I sighed and awkwardly backed away.

• Flashback Over •

A/N: wowwww! HUGE plot twist!!!!! Kendall and Elliot were dating and possibly still are! I smell some drama! 7 comments and 15 votes for more!

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