Chapter Twenty-One

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Josh's POV

Chapter Twenty-One

• A few weeks after Maddie's disappearance •

• Flashback •

My heart beat quickened as I ran towards Maddie, the hot Summer sun beating down on me. All you could hear were the chirping of birds and the loud thud thud thud of my feet.

Maddie, who was sitting on the park bench, admiring a fountain, was unaware of my presence. Probably deep in thought.

"M-Maddie." I panted, my face was probably a crimson shade of red.

"Oh, hello Josh." She greeted, flashing that perfect smile of hers.

I sat down next to her staring at the fountain.

Something about it was magical. I don't exactly know what...but it just drew you towards it.

I sighed and clutched onto the small case I was holding onto in my pocket.


"Yes Josh?" Maddie smiled, curiosity spread across her face.

"I-I wanted to give you this." I said nervously, and handed her the necklace.

Her eyes widened and she gasped, as she placed her hands over her mouth. "It's beautiful!" She said, while delicately holding onto the necklace.

Engraved on the necklace there were tiny words that spelled out, 'Maddie, will you be my girlfriend?'

Normally, I wouldn't go through so much trouble to ask a girl out. But Maddie...she was different, and hard to get I might add.

"Y-yes Josh! I will go out with you." Maddie smiled and pecked me on the cheek.

• Flashback Over •

I stood up and began pacing around my room, a nervous habit I had picked up a few years ago.

What if Maddie was dead? I feel so guilty. Maddie had asked my to go to that competition and I said no, I had a football game that day.

I should have just blown off the game! We lost anyways! I could have found her and made her feel ok. I could have done something.

Now she's probably starving and she might even be...dead.

I shook my head, I couldn't think

I cast a glimpse in the mirror and stared at the boy looking back at me.

Oh, I look horrible.

My eyes are completely and totally red, the same as my face. My hair is in a tousled mess, and I had some pained expression on my face.

I had to talk to someone.

Brooke had to be the right person. Yes, she was a pain the majority of the time, but she also was very wise and could help me with my problems.

I walked to her bedroom door, and pounded loudly. I could hear she was listening to the song 'Wrecking Ball' extremely loud.

"What?" Brooke asked, turning her music off.

"Can I come in?" I asked, my voice quivering a bit.

"Whatever." She said, rolling her eyes.

I entered her room and Brooke shut the door behind me.

"What do you want?" Brooke asked, coming off a bit too harshly.

"I'm worried about Maddie." I cried. "It has been weeks!"

"Oh, Josh. It's ok, I know you miss your girlfriend, but I bet you she is having fun wherever she is!" Brooke laughed, looking as if she were trying to convince herself more than me.

"I don't know...It's been weeks and I have a horribly bad feeling in the pit of my stomach that something has happened to her." I sighed.

"Time for dinner!" My mom yelled from downstairs, interrupting our conversation.

Brooke gave me a reassuring smile. She could tell I really was worried. "Well, don't stress about it until you know something has happened, ok?"

I nodded my head. "Thanks Brooke."

We both exited the room and sat down at the dinner table.


I watched my mom as she talked on the phone to Melissa.

Something wasn't right.

Her eyes widened and she dropped her iPhone, as tears clouded my vision.

Oh god, she's dead isn't she?

"Maddie's dead." My mom said, giving the fateful news.

I squeezed my eyes shut and yelled, "No no no! Maddie can't be dead! She can't be!"


I took a shaky breath as I began my speech about Maddie.

"As most of you know, Maddie is-was my girlfriend. She was the best girlfriend you could ever ask for. She was so sweet, she really was. My favorite memory with Maddie was when we went to the beach together. We had so much fun together. I remember she kept doing acro tricks." I chuckled. "She was doing a round-off back handspring when she nearly fell because the sand wasn't packed enough." I closed my eyes, reliving the memory. "I really love you Maddie." I whispered.

Everyone began putting things in the casket and once it was my turn I gently placed a picture of Maddie and I at the beach.

A/N: awe poor Josh! 7 comments and 15 votes for more!

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