Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

Maddie's POV

I awoke from my slumber to see a familiar face sitting next to me.

It was the doctor who had informed me on details last night.

I smirked and weakly asked him, "What was that trace of evidence?"

"Oh yes!" He smiled, recalling the string of events from last night.

"The last piece of evidence we have is an iPhone. It was in your purse, but there seems to be a password on it, so it does not do any help to us. But maybe it would help you jog your memory?"

I grinned and said, "Can I see it?"

He nodded his head and handed me apparently my iPhone.

I looked at the lock screen, seeing a picture of the same brown haired girl that looked similar to me.

The picture appeared to be at a birthday party. The younger brown haired girl was blowing out candles on a cake and I was sitting across from her with a grin spread across my face.

But, I still didn't recognize the girl, or even myself for that matter.

"Anything?" The doctor asked.

I sighed. "Nope."

He nodded his head and told me, "Well, there isn't much more we can do Madison. I guess we have to put you in an orphanage."

A look of horror spread across my face.

"B-but sir! My parent's have to be looking for me! They just have to! I don't want to go to an orphanage! No one will ever want to adopt me!"

"I'm sorry Madison! It is the best we can do! You are in stable condition, so I am going to contact the local orphanage."

I rolled my eyes, giving into defeat.

He swiftly strided out of the room and before I knew it I was being shipped off to an orphanage that I didn't even belong in.


•at the orphanage•

"Hi, you must be Madison Ziegler!" A tall lady with dark brown hair, yet unique green eyes said.

She was wearing a loose pink shirt with light blue skinny jeans.

I rolled my eyes, "Yeah."

I felt a bit guilty as a look of hurt flashed across her face; she seemed nice enough.

"Well, welcome to 'Sunny Hills Orphanage!' It is a wonderful place to stay, and it has many opportunities. There are fun activities like baseball, basketball, dance, and much more!" She said, plastering a smile onto her face.

When she said dance I felt a need to try it. It was like dance was calling my name.

"Your room is right over here!" She smiled leading me through a long hallway, then stopping at a brown door.

"Oh, it looks fun." I said, my voice coated with sarcasm.

I muffled a laugh as her eye twitched and she stalked off.

I opened the door to my new bedroom and let a small smile creep on my lips.

The walls were painted white, and there were two bunk beds, all with a fancy duvet except for one.

There was a small window with a view of a fountain.

On the walls were posters of boy bands and some drawings.

There seemed to be no one in the room, so I sat on the empty bed and sighed.

I had a feeling I was going to be stuck here for a while.

A/N: 2 comments for more!(:

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