Chapter Thirty-Five

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Chapter Thirty-Five

Maddie's POV

I chose the latter, as I held my left hand up and began speaking.

"What's my problem? Mine? Me? You are the one who stole Elliot from me!" I fumed, feeling my face heat up.

"Wait, what? Elliot? You mean Elliot from the orphanage? How do you know him?" Kendall asked, a bitter tone dripping off each word.

Her facial expression changed from confusion, anger, grief, and then somewhere along the lines switched to an expression that meant she probably understood the situation.

"Well, he's from an orphanage and I just came out of one? Isn't it clear enough? Elliot and I were dating and then you two had a..fling!" The words spilled out of my mouth, and I felt a surge of guilt rush through me as hurt flashed across her face.

"We certainly did not have a fling!" Kendall fought back. She grabbed my wrist and dragged me closer, towards her. "You see this?" She whisper-shouted, pointing towards her cheek.

I noticed a faint bruise, the same thing I had noticed a couple days ago, so I nodded my head.

"Well, Elliot did that to me. Someone came to the door, and now I am assuming that was you, and he came back furiously. I have never seen him like that! It was scary, honestly." Kendall rambled.

Elliot did that? What?

"Elliot did that?" I asked, gently rubbing my fingers over the bruise.

Kendall averted her eyes to the ground as she tucked a stray piece of hair behind her ear.

"Y-yes." She choked out.

"I-I'm so sor-"

"No, save it Maddie. You can have Elliot, like I care." She rolled her eyes and sashayed off and to Paige's room.

I let out an exasperated groan.

Had I really just lost two close people today?

I balled my hands into fists and ran off towards my house, which was pretty far, if you were curious.

It felt even longer in the cold lonely night.


A small smile slipped on my face as my house came into view.

Hallelujah, oh my gosh!

I ran up to my house, as my chestnut hair whipped behind me.

I reached the front door, quietly opening it in hopes of going unnoticed by my mother.

Warmth greeted me as I quietly stepped into the house, mentally slapping myself for wearing combat boots, one of the loudest shoes in the universe!

Ok, maybe I'm exaggerating, but still!

I cringed with each step, reaching the stairs as I heard my mother in the kitchen.

Thank god! I can probably make it past her!

My mind, however, chose different as my ears perked up to the mention of my name.

"Melissa! I don't think you get it! Maddie isn't the same dancer!" A husky voice barked out.

I squeezed my eyes shut, realizing that voice belonged to Abby.

Could my night get any worse?

"How?" My mom asked, intrigued.

I can just imagine her eyebrows raising, and her mouth left ajar in astonishment.

"Her technique has dropped tremendously, her facials are not nearly as good, she doesn't have the passion, and she had picked up bad habits from I don't even know where!" Abby barked.

I rolled my eyes.

Wasn't she just telling me how she was so glad to see me?

"But, Abby, you cant kick her off the team, please! It would crush her! Lately Maddie hasn't been acting like herself, but when she danced I saw my Maddie! Please just give her a chance!" My mom pleaded.

Wait what?!?! She wants to kick me off the team again?

I let out a groan, and then quickly covered my mouth, remembering they weren't supposed to know I was here.

Luckily, they didn't hear me utter a sound.

There was silence for a minute or two, as if Abby was contemplating whether she should accept me onto the team or not.

"Ok..One more chance. You better make sure she works hard! I am going to push her further than ever before! You better pray for this, Melissa." Abby said dramatically, and then I heard her footsteps coming closer.

My eyes widened and I quickly tip-toed towards my room, plopping onto my bed.

Why does my life have to be so complicated?

A/N: 10 comments and 40 votes for more.

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