Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

Elliot's POV

• Flashback to the Auditions before Maddie was injured •

"Madison! You're up with your solo!" Miss Alexz yelled, over the music that was blasting on the stereo.

I scoffed and rolled my eyes.

This should be good. Note the sarcasm.

I observed Madison as she stood up and gracefully walked into the center of the 'Dance Studio.'

I watched her, mesmerized by the way she danced. Her emotion was just...incredible. It was as if she were pouring her heart and soul into the piece.

She was so graceful. She landed each and every trick, turn, and leap with absolutely no sound; and that was almost impossible to do.

The way she captivated the audience, the way she made them feel as if they were apart of the was just breath-taking.

She rolled onto the ground and reached out towards the audience, as if she wanted them to grab her hand, to help her.

She did a toe-rise up, and went straight into a standing front aerial.

I gasped, she had reached the peak of her song and it was amazing.

A few more leaps and turns later she landed in her ending pose, so much emotion spread across her face.

It was dead silent, as I looked around the room. Then, I heard a steady clap clap clap, coming for Miss Alexz.

All of the dancers, with the exception of me, glared enviously at Madison.

She was simply amazing...and I think I had-I think I had just fallen in love with her.

I chuckled, at my thoughts.

That was crazy. But, something was telling me I had to talk to her.

"Alright! The auditions are over! I want to thank all of you for coming, you are all truly amazing dancers!" Miss Alexz smiled, dismissing us.

I hastily grabbed my dance bag, as Madison was nearly out of the room.

Madison. Hm, I wonder if she has a nickname.

I slapped my forehead, not realizing I had stopped walking.

"Madison, wait!" I yelled, realizing she was about to open the door to her dorm.

Luckily for me, she was walking slowly, trudging even, towards the room. Probably exhausted from todays audition.

She whirled around on her heal, her brown hair flying all over the place.

"Why? So you can insult me?" She scoffed.

A pang of guilt hit my body as I thought of how irresponsible and insensitive I was for hurting her.

A/N: ok, so this was a different kind of chapter(: as you can see, it was in Elliot's POV! anywayyy since I hit 600 reads and 100 votes •ahh omg!• this needs 4 comments and 5 votes for me to continue! ilyyy

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