Chapter Seven

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A/N: THIS IS REALLY IMPORTANT! SO READ. ok so maybe it isn't extremely important, but i guess it is also so you don't get confused! I changed Annabelle's name to Clementine! If you read it before I changed it, now it will make sense. You're welcome. lol.

Chapter Seven

Maddie's POV

I furrowed my eyebrows.

I had nothing to wear.

I realize I say that a lot, but this time I meant it.

I stared blankly at my closet that only held a few items, such as a T-Shirt, a few pairs of pants that someone donated to the orphanage and they gave to me, and the sweater I wore the night the hospital found me.

"Bridgette! Do you have any clothes I can borrow for dance?" I asked.

"I'm not a dancer, but you can look." She shrugged, gesturing towards her closet.

"Thank you!" I breathed a sigh of relief.

I had to be at the audition in about thirty minutes and I was nowhere near ready.

She smiled, as if to say you're welcome, as I rushed towards her closet.

I looked around her closet, in hopes of finding something.

She was right. She really wasn't a dancer.

There was practically nothing I could wear to an audition!

I sighed in defeat and emerged from her closet.

"There's nothing in there that would suit an audition!" I grumbled, feeling a bit uptight.

"Blaze is a dancer. Maybe I could sneak a leotard and tights out of her closet and let you use it?" Bridgette whispered, making sure Blaze couldn't overhear us.

Blaze was still asleep, but it was just for caution.

I nodded my head and watched as Bridgette left and as soon as that, came back with a solid black leotard and pink tights.

She even brought back tan Jazz Shoes and Pointes!

I hugged Bridgette and hurriedly changed into the outfit she gave me.

Once I was changed, I slipped on the tan Jazz Shoes and put on my sweater.

I quickly pulled my hair up into a neat bun, and smiled at my appearance when I was finished.

I unlocked the door, and to my horror, Blaze was up.

"Are those my Jazz Shoes and tights?" She shrieked, not realizing, I was wearing her leotard.

"Uh, no." I laughed, feeling a bit nervous.

She glared at me suspiciously as I hurried out of the room and to the 'Dance Studio.'

I opened the door and shut it, leaning against it as I sighed in relief.

"Alright! Now that everyone's here, lets begin the audition!" Miss Alexz's voice echoed throughout the room.


I took a deep breath before I began the solo she choreographed.

It was the song 'Toxic' by Britney Spears, but a different, slower version, that 'Yael Niam' sang.

The music began.

Baby can't you see? I'm calling, a guy like you should wear a warning. He's dangerous, I'm calling.

I slid down to the floor and curled myself up in a ball as I rolled over, then slid back.

Too high can't come down, loosing my head spinning 'round and 'round. Do you feel me now?

I did a perfect chainè, chainè pliè, leap, then roll down to the ground. I stand up, point to a corner, point to another, do a contemporary jump and then the solo is over.

I heard a clap clap clap as I stood in my ending pose.

I looked over in the direction of the clapping and I saw Miss Alexz staring at me in awe.

"That was amazing!" She exclaimed.

"Thank you." I smiled as I sat back down, leaning against the mirror.

I looked around at the jealous faces of the other dancers in the room, as I chuckled a bit.

Elliot's expression, showed he was shocked, yet impressed.

He had never seen me dance before, and it felt good, to prove I was not a bad dancer, to find a passion; even a clue to my past.

It was weird...his gaze was different. His usual scowl has now turned into curiosity and even a bit happiness when he looked at me.

A/N: ok, so once again, there is no Annabelle in this story, her name is now Clementine 💁 two comments and some votes for more!

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