Chapter 50

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A/N: One more chapter left after this and then the epilogue at chapter 52. This chapter is going to be another time jump. I'm so sorry guys if these last chapters towards the end hae sucked. The twins are almost 3 months old now and it's set like 5 days before Christmas Christmas. There is one important thing I need to conclude before I do the next chapter which is going to be a 5 year time jump.

Maya POV

It's been two months since the twins have been born. It hasn't been as hard as I thought it was going to be. Lucas is a hands on Dad. He has been excellent with not only the twins but the other two as well. Sarah and Tony have also been such a big help these past two months. Liliana and Jordan have adjusted quite well to their new siblings being around. I knew that Lily wouldn't have a problem since she already has Kayla but I was concerned about Jordan since this was new to him. I quickly realized there was nothing to be concerned over. Lily leaves this coming weekend to go spend time with her Dad. She's going to be there this Christmas. I was so nervous about her flying alone but the airline had it set up that she'd be chaperoned by someone and since the flight was a direct flight it made it a little easier on me. Lucas and I had a good talk with her about what would happen and told her that even though Mommy and Daddy wouldn't be with her that she'd have someone there. Lucas and I also made the decision to buy her a cell phone that she was to use for emergency's only.  Lucas and his dad were working on the new house which was coming along really well and Lucas mom took the older two kids to town with her. While everyone was gone I decided I would nap with the twins. Once they were fed I put them right into bed with me and together we napped. We slept for a little bit but then Jayden woke up hungry so I let laid there feeding him when Lucas burst through the bedroom door. 

"Maya?" he said excitedly in a quiet tone. 

Lucas walked over and sat on the bed. He had an envelope in his hands. I looked up at him with a questioning look "Whats up?" I curiously asked him. 

"It's finalized!" he said as he sat on the bed and handed me the envelope. 

I took it out of his hands and read that the return address was the law firm that we have been using. I knew immediately what he was talking about. 

I started crying as I read over the papers "It's official, I'm his mom. The adoption is finalized." I said as I looked up at him with a smile as the tears ran down my cheeks. 

Lucas nodded "Yes! I'm so happy." he said as he leaned in and kissed me softly. "Lets have a party before Lily goes to California." 

"I think that sounds like a wonderful idea." I replied. 

"Did you get some rest?" he said as he brushed his finger along Jayden's little cheek as he fed off me. 

"I did until little man woke wanting fed." I said with a smile. 

"He loves Mommy's boobs as much as Daddy does." he replied with a smirk. 

I rolled my eyes and chuckled "I can't with you, Lucas" 

Lucas and I talked a little bit about what we could do for Jordan's adoption party. After a while his Mom came home with the kids and we joined them downstairs. She was so excited and happy when told her about the adoption being finalized. I couldn't wait for Jordan's party so that we could tell him that it was official. 

Two days later 

Lucas and I had sat the kids down and said we were having a little party before Lily left to go to her dads.  They were completely oblivious to anything going on.  Lucas, his mom, and I decorated the house up while Tony had the kids outside. Sarah had even made a cake which looked delicious. After everything was put together the kids and Tony eventually came back inside. We ate dinner and then brought the kids into the living room. Lucas had Jordan come over and sit between us on the couch. 

"Whats going on Daddy?" Jordan asked with a confused look on his face. 

"Mommy and I have something for you." he said with a grin. 

"What is it?" Jordan asked. 

"You know how we explained that Maya was going adopt you and become your Mommy officially? Well, this came int the mail two days ago. They are papers telling us that Maya is officially your Mommy." Lucas aid with a smile as he showed Jordan with the envelope. 

"Really?" he asked excitedly. 

I looked at Jordan and nodded "You're officially my baby." 

Jordan jumped up and into Lucas arms "Thank you Daddy this is the best present ever." 

"This means Jordan is officially my brother right?" Lily chimed. 

"Yes, baby it does." I replied 

Jordan turned to look at me then crawled into my lap. He placed his arms around my neck and looked at me with a smile. "Thank you for being my Mommy. I love you." he said as he kissed me on the cheek. 

I hugged him tightly and smiled at Lucas trying to not cry "You're welcome. I wouldn't want it any other way. I love you too, baby." 

"Can I have cake now?" Jordan asked and I chuckled. 

"Yes, you can. Come on we'll go get some." Lucas mom chimed in. 

Lily and Jordan went with Lucas mom to get some cake. Lucas scooted closer to me and looked at me with a grin. "I love you so much, Maya. You don't know how much you mean to me. I'm so happy that we have our little family and I can't wait to get moved into our new house." he said as he leaned and kissed me softly.

"I love you too. I couldn't imagine being with anyone else and I'm glad your son officially mine now." I said with a smile as I placed another kiss on his soft lips. 

We continued to celebrate Jordan's adoption for a little while longer then Lucas and I got the four kids around for bed. Once the older two were down Lucas and I snuggled with the twins in bed. It was moments like this that I cherished the most. I'm so lucky to have Lucas and like him I love that our family has officially come together and that Jordan was officially mine now. 

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