Chapter 1-Life Saved

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3rd Person POV
The streets of New York were the same as always.People coming and going from building to building,going home or starting work late at night,cars honking at pedestrians or other cars for going to slow or getting into their lanes.

It was a late Thursday night.Some men and women going to clubs to get rid of the stress they receive at work,or just to party for no specific reason.None of the less people were out partying like there was no tomorrow but there was one person that stood out like a sore thumb.

Anthony Edward "Tony" Stark.A.K.A Ironman.

He was out partying in a random club getting drunk like always.He let all the ladies surround him like he was a piece of meat and they were dogs,more like sexy dogs is how Tony would have put it.

He had arrived at 8 p.m and it was 1 in the morning.He was incredibly drunk but some how managed to stand and walk on his own two feet - not without stumbling a bit though.

Down the street was a young red head teenager.She seemed to be around her early twenties.She wasn't dress like the other women,in butt long dresses that showed lots skin near their bum or showed much of their breasts.

No,this red head girl was wearing black nikes,black leather jeans,a white and yellow sports jersey,and black cardigan.She walked down the streets of New York fully awake,as if it were 1 in the afternoon and not 1 in the morning.

She had her thumbs in her front black leather pockets while walking the somewhat empty streets.The mysterious red head looked from people on their phone to drunk men and women making out in the public not caring that others saw.

The red head kept watching - observing - the people and their different reaction.She couldn't help it,she was raised to observe people and their reactions and what they would say.The mysterious teen was raised in a different way than most teenagers her age weren't.

Down the street was the infamous Tony Stark,stumbling his way out of the club and onto the curb awaiting for his ride to arrive and take him back to his home:Stark Tower.

The girl was watching him closely.The small red hairs on the back of her neck were standing up,warning her that someone was going to get hurt and she couldn't stop the gut feeling that it was Tony Stark who was going to get hurt.

Most people wouldn't be able to her the squeak of the brakes,but the red head had.Snapping her head so fast,that she was amazed she didn't get whiplash,a black car was speeding down the street.

From the speed it was going and the direction it seemed to go the mysterious teen could tell that the car was heading towards Tony.Looking back she could see him walking across the street where his black limo was parked at.

Wasting no time,the red head went from a walk to a full on sprint.Her brown eyes were glued on Mr.Stark but her hearing was focused on the sound of the tires and roar of the engine.

In last minute,the girl had pushed Mr.Stark out of the way but leaving her in the way of the car.

The black car zoomed at her and she didn't feel fear or regret,she felt the rush of adrenal flow through her body.It all happened too quick for anyone to really catch what had happened but what they did catch was the car zooming away and the teen getting up from her crouch position.

People from the clubs,buildings,and sidewalks had stopped what they were doing to see the red headed teen perfectly fine and well.Not a single scratch on her light coloured skin or clothes.She was breathing hard,everyone could see that.

Tony had snapped away from the awe and walked towards the red headed teen.He wanted to thank her for saving his life but when he was close enough the teenager ran off to the side walk.

The billionaire tried to call out to her,tried to catch her,but he couldn't.The only thing he got from her was a piece of clothing,her red hair,and warm brown eyes.

He stood in the middle of the street before his driver,Happy,walked him into the limo and drove off to Stark Tower.But Anthony Edward "Tony" Stark wasn't focused on the car ride or the fact that he had almost gotten run over.

No.He was focused on who that girl was and how she had dodged that black car without a single scratch.He wanted to thank her and give her a reward for saving his precious life.

Tony was now set on one thing.Finding that red head teen.And he had a way to find her.The piece of cloth from her clothes,the only thing with her DNA that will show where she lives and who she is.

Tony Stark now had a new objective.Find that mysterious red head teenager.

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