Chapter 22-This is New

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Kristia's POV
  "Ahhh!"I yelled while stretching on the bed.I opened and closed my mouth a few times while looking at my wide window in front of me.

  After 10 minutes of me sitting on the bed doing knowing I had gotten my lazy ass up and into the bathroom to shower and brush my teeth along with my red hair.

  But while brushing my teeth something was different about me and that something was clearly visible.

  "Well this is new."I blinked a few times to make sure that what was seen was real and not a figment of my imagination."JARVIS can you tell Bruce and Tony to meet me at their lab?"

  "Right away Miss Webb."The British I.A responded back towards me.

  After getting all cleaned up I changed into pants,red and grey Coka-Cola shirt,black high top converses,and sunglasses.

  Walking out of the room I made a quick trip to the kitchen to grab a granola bar before heading towards the elevator and pushing the 32nd button.

  While the elevator was taking me up I unwrapped my granola bar and ate as well as think about this new change.It was certainly cool and awesome but did it mean something?

  All my questions would be answered right as the door opened and I stepped out to find Tony and Bruce both sitting in swivel chairs waiting for me.

  "Hey guys."I said cheerfully, trying to lighten up to mood in the lab since it feels all gloomy and sad.

  "Why'd you call us?"Bruce asked all sassy and nothing like him."Sorry just not a morning person."

  "I understand my good sir but I think what I'm going to show you will be worth waking up at 6:30 in the morning."

  "Why do you have sunglasses on?In the indoors?"I looked over at him and gave him a look that read 'I was getting to that'.

  "Remember that chemical that was put into my body?"Before anyone *cough* Tony *cough* could say anything I continued."Well I believe it may have some side effects or the whole changing process is screwing up my body."

  "Why?"Bruce asked getting a bit closer to me."Is there something wrong?"

  "I consider this cool and awesome."I took off the sunglasses to show off my blue and green eyes."What do you guys think?"

  "That-"Tony started off."That is awesome!"

  "Your left eye being green and your right eye being blue.But how is that even possible?"That last part sounded like Brucie was saying it more to himself than out loud.

  "Although your blue eye seems to shine or have a brighter color to it while your green eye seems to be a bit darker."Tin Man pointed out when he got a closer look at my two eyes.

  "I noticed that as well when I first saw them.Do you think they mean anything?"But then quickly added in."My eyes.Do you think by to colors changing that it means something?"

  "Only one way to find out."Metal head said with a smirk and I didn't like that smirk much."Let's see if your aim is better than Legolas."With that me,Bruce,and Tony hopped into the elevator down to my floor where we went inside my wooden styled training and into the target practice area in the top left corner of the room.

  Tony had suggested that I start off with a box and I was fine with a bow.The arrow was a bigger version of a dagger and the bow itself was a launching pad for said larger dagger.Thats how I thought of it anyways.

  "When ever your ready Kat."Tony gave me a thumbs up before my attention was back on the target practice.

  Turning my attention back to the target practice,I pull back the strings and it felt like everything blurred out but the target practice was the only clear thing.In the middle it was shining so I took the shot.

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