Chapter 21-Quality Time?

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Kristina's POV
The small ray of light hit me right in the face.That's what woke me up from my slumber.I uncurled myself from my cat like sleeping position before getting out of bed.

On the white drawer across from my bed were three empty buckets of ice cream.I smiled at that.Last night after my cry session with Toshy she had suggested for the both of us to go into my room and watch movies while eat big buckets of ice cream.

She had fallen asleep around 1:30ish am while I fell asleep around 3:32 am.Looking around my room Nat was nowhere to be seen.Must have woken up early and left.

Walking into the walk-in closet I pick out blue skinny jeans,light orange shirt,a sleeveless jacket,along with black converse.With those I left into the bathroom to take a shower,brush my teeth and wet red hair,then change into the clothes I had picked out.

While showering I thought about that chemical.If my parents had injected that into me then what are the outcomes?So far it's only been speed and compulsion,those are the only things that have changed.

Shaking my head I leave the shower and do my daily routine before heading out of the bathroom,dropping off the dirty clothes,and walking into the kitchen to grab a bit before retreating back into my room to listen to music.

In the fridge were loads of food but I chose on scrambled eggs with some toast along side with water.Great now my breakfast looks like something found in cheesy movies.

None of the less I sat down on the red stool and ate my breakfast.After four minutes or so the Ding sound of the elevator rang throughout the floor.I didn't turn around,waiting to guess who has come to my floor.

"Nice to see you again Nat."

"You should teach me that one day."She said and I lightly laughed.

"It took my a long time to master this skill but you are the Black Widow so who knows.Maybe one day."Tosh took a seat beside me and she was smiling."What you need?"

"I was thinking we should get to know you more better."I put my toast down on the plate and face her.

"We?As in more than one person?"

She nods her head."Today in the morning me,Bucky,and Steve were talking about how you know so much about us but we barley know anything about you.Like none of us never knew you taught about suicide."

"That was during a very depressing time in my life.But I guess I can have some quality time with you guys.So do we all go somewhere or are each of you taking turns with me?"

"I was thinking we wait for the others to wake up.That way we can all agree on something and then see where that will turn out."

"Sounds like a date then."She just rolled her eyes at me before getting up from the stool and walking away."Don't be late!"I called out to her but I never saw her reaction because she had already disappeared in the hallway.

After my breakfast I sat down on the brown L shaped couch going from channel to channel trying to find something interesting to watch.My channel surfing came to a stop when I found Danny Phantom playing on Nicktoon.

This was my show!God how I miss you Danny.I watched the show and all these memories came to mind when watching each episode.Danny Phantom was like my show when traveling around.I found it one day when channel surfing in Peter's house.

Since then I've been hooked on this show like a fish hooked on a fishers hook.Who knows how long I've been sitting in that same exact spot.What I did hear was the sound of the elevator door opening.

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