Chapter 16-Old Friends

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Kristina's POV
  I had taken a nice shower to get rid of the scent of blood.I had washed my temporary suit and weapons so there were no blood stains on those as well and now I lay on my bed looking outside at the night sky.

  It must have been 11 at night.Some of the others must be somewhat awake but for me,I'm fully wide awake.It doesn't bother me anymore than it used to when I was a small little red head.

  To be fair I think it's pretty cool to stay awake for so long.Like f there was ever a stake out mission I would be the perfect person for that job.

  I would be the person staying awake all night and during the day my partner would watch over while I sleep.Thats actually a good idea.I should pitch it to them.

  "Hey Kat can you come to the main floor?"Tony asked all too suspicious if you ask me.

  "Why?"I asked wanting to know more information.

  "Cause I asked nicely."I shook my head.

  "Will I regret going up there?"

  "You may like what you see."

  "Fine just hold up."He said a 'Thanks' before signing off from the speaker.

  What can Tony Stark have for me?I changed into shorts and a hoodie.I didn't bother putting a short on so under my hoodie was my bra.That was all I had on so hopefully he won't ask to take my hoodie off.

  Walking into the elevator my mind straits to make solutions to different scenarios and how I would escape each one of them.

  When the doors open I step out.But when I look into the living room I freeze.To make me freeze on the spot is a HUGE accomplishment.It was very very rare for me to freeze on the spot.

  "Kristina?"The blonde haired women asked.She had cared for me so much and was quite glad when I had joined their team.

  Looking around I find the three boys.The one to the left seemed the same:Black hair that was going grey.Seemed to be taller a bit.The one to the right seemed too similar to a certain Golden Boy that they looked like twins.Then the one in the middle:he didn't change at all.Same orange rocky form.

   The Fantastic 4 stood in the living room of Stark Tower.All four of them looking at me with shock,anger,but mostly happiness.

  My mind was telling me to run up and hug them all but my mind and body won't working together.My body stayed frozen,glued,to the floor below me.My eyes looked form one to another but I couldn't move.It felt like being paralysed in place by my own doing.

  Susan ran up to me and gave me a death hug.Her tears feel down her cheek and onto my black hoodie.Once again my mind was screaming at me to wrap my arms around her,surprisingly my body did what my mind told t to do.

  My once frozen hands wrapped themselves around her body.Her tears kept going and I just patted her back as well as sway slightly from side to side.

  She pulled back at me and smiled slightly."I thought you died?"Susan said,and I could hear her trying to hold back the sobs.

  "Why don't we sit down.All of us and let me explain."I moved past her and was instantly pulled into a group hug.Reed,Flame Brain,and even Ben who was trying hard not to squish me.

  Peeking over their heads I could see the Avengers whispering with one another before they all left the living room.It's too give us some time alone.

  I pulled away from them and sat down on the couch.They followed and sat down as well,Ben stayed standing for obvious reasons.

  "Where do I start."I said thinking if I should start with my parents or when I first met them.

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