Chapter 32-Secrets

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Kristina's POV
After an hour of sitting around doing nothing but think of the past three days I decided to do something about Tony not liking me.

Getting up from Steve's bed I left his room and across the small hall towards the elevator.Over the corse of my five days,but three of everyone knowing about me,being a fox I've learned how to use the elevator without anyone's help.

Using my snout I pressed the Up button and in a few second the metal doors opened wide to no one being inside.Lucky me.

Making my way inside I press the 31th floor which is the first lab.That's where Tony would be,he'd probably be working on some prototype of a new Ironman suit or making modifications to make it better.

The doors open and I walk out.The smell of grease, oil, heat, dust, old paper, and sweat filled my noise.Oh man!Can't these guys out febreeze in here or something!It stinks!

Pushing away those smells I could smell that Tony was the only person in here.That made things a lot more better since I wanted him alone with me.

Walking towards his desk I hop on Bruce's chair and from there I hop onto the metal table,that was filled with papers and different tools.

Up ahead Tony could be seen writing something on a piece of paper while also looking at the holographic computer.One part of me was saying to leave him alone but the other part was telling me to go and make him like you as the fox self.

I chose the second part.Taking one breath in and out,I started to walk over to him and made sure not to step on anything at all.

Tony must have heard my nails against the metal cause when he looked up he did not seem happy to see me,and yet there was that stupid question in the back of my mind.Why is he so pissed at me?

"I see you figured how to work an elevator.Great."See there was that sarcastic tone of his.

Making sure that nothing was below me,I sat on on my ass,tail curled around My while my ears stood up and straight.Tony just looked me once over before turning back to his work.

  Leaning over I see that he was working on my suit.The design was the same thing but the difference was he was trying to find places to put the weapons.Which was something I did need cause that suit wasn't made to hold weapons,it was made for me to move around in so there's that.

  But one thing I saw was the lace.That was one thing I didn't need.If I already have a tail there is no reason that having a lace.That would just mess up my agility and then I could get hurt or die.And I don't what that.

  Grabbing a pencil from a cup I put that on top of the lace.Tony looked up at me and pushed the pencil away.Being the stubborn ass I am,I grab the pencil and put it back on top of the lace.

  "Can you stop that?"He asked while pushing the things pencil away.Nope.Grabbing the pencil once more I place it on top of the lac and made sure to put my paw on top of the pencil."Do you mind?"I shook my head and moved my red fluffy tail,I swear Tony how did you ever become a genius!

  He looked from me to my tail to the design.If this were a cartoon his brain would be shifting gears as he let everything process and click into place.

  "She doesn't need the lace.She's got a tail."Takin' my paw off the pencil Tony raised an eyebrow at me."Your smarter than you seem."Well duh.I'm still Kristina,who for a fact went to school and learned.

  He erased the lace from the design and I watched as he worked.At some points I would point something's out for him to fix and he would gratefully accept my help.It was like a father daughter bond except the daughter was a fox and he didn't know that.

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