Chapter 7-Information

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Kris's POV
  The sound of the door opening and close woke me up.My eyes adjusted to the dark room and looked around at the window to find that it was night.

  Someone was inside the room.Their soft breathing and soft footsteps could be heard.But I didn't sit up,that would be a stupid move.Instead I pretended to sleep and even made me breathing even to make it really seem like I was sleeping.

  From the soft - almost quite - steps of this person they weren't too fat but not really skinny.This person was just the right weight.

  The breathing was a bit hard.It's a guy.Most males have harder breathing making it easy to detect who's who in these times of situation.

  Closing my eyes as the person got closer and closer.I could feel their body hover over mine.This person is tall.May be easier to take down.

  Once this person was close enough I strike.In one swift move the person is on the floor with me onto of him,the dagger pressed against his throat.

  "Who the fuck are you?"Looking closer I saw green eyes and then raven black hair."Loki?"The person nods their head.

  "I must say that was quite impressive."Loki said and I got off of him while stuffing the dagger in my pants,hiding it from his sight.

  "Loki what are you doing sneaking into my room at night?"He got up and the I turned on the lights.

"Nothing."I knew he was lying.

"Achoo."I faked sneeze.

  "What was that?"He asked in that really cool accent of his.

  "I'm allergic to bullshit and lies.Achoo.Acho.Achoo."He simply smiled."Now you can tell me or you'll get your ass kicked and keep in mind I fought Natasha longer than anyone else."He stood there,seemed like he was battling with himself.

  "Will you tell your past?"Loki asked and then it all clicked into place.

  "Let me guess.You were sent here to pry into my past to find more about myself and then report back to the Avengers so they can write it all down in my file?Well guess what,you could have just asked.I'm a person who's truthful at most times."

  "Really?"He asked and I nodded my head.

  "Yes.When I was smaller my mother would ask me questions and I would always answer truthfully.It doesn't matter what the question was I would answer.The real question are you guys ready to hear my answer."

  "What is that supposed to mean?"He was curious and so were the others since they were listening and watching.

  "My parents had told me that sometimes the truth is harmful or let people see others in a new light.My answers to their question shows who I am and sometimes it shocked them.

  "Once they asked me what I was scared of.Most kids would say the dark or monsters but I had said I was scared of time.I was scared of time because time equals death.Time is something that no one in the world can stop or make it go slower.

  "Sure there are people out there in the world who can stop or slow down time but not forever.One day my time will come and I will no longer be on this earth.Time is still my fear,as well as needles,but that was my answer to them."Loki stood there looking at me with mixed emotions.

  "Lets go."We walk out of the room and into eh elevator where we head towards the main floor.

  It was silent in the elevator and when we arrived at the main floor it was also quite.I don't blame them,the way I had said if they were ready for my answers must have made them all double think of what they had gotten themselves into.

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