Chapter 34-Really!

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Bolting upwards as well as taking a huge gasp for air my blue and green eyes widely looked around only to find myself in the lab. So it wasn't a dream, I thought while trying to see if anyone was inside the lab.

Looking down at the inside of my right arm was a tattoo of three horses running. Taking a peek over towards the top of my left shoulder was a tattoo of two red foxes in the shape of a heart. When did I get tattoo's? Better question was how?

Glancing up Bruce walked into the lab with Chinese takeout in his hand. At first the scientist didn't see me but he soon did when he turned around, a smile formed on his face. "Kristina."

"Bruce." He walked towards me.

"How you feeling? Steve said you started screaming, well more like cussing, about a pain." Lifting my wrought arm I showed him the tattoo. "When did you get a tattoo?"

"That's the thing doc, I never got a tattoo. When I was cussing I found the source of the pain to find this and this," Turning around I showed Bruce the two fox shaped heart. "I have no idea how this happened only know that it did."

"Maybe it's a mark." We both looked up to find Tony walking into the room. "Sometimes heroes get marks from powers. The fox could be because you are a fox."

"Why a second fox and shaped into a heart?" I questioned and he simply smiled at me.

"The second fox and why they're both shaped into a heart is because you found the person you like which is oh so clearly Capsicle." I could feel myself get warm tingles at his name. "Now this is just a wild guess but from your smile you really like him don't you?"

I gave him a look. "No," I said with full sarcasm. "I'm just smiling like an idiot cause I want to."

"Well you don't have to go all sarcastic on me." He resorted before eating blueberries that magically appeared in his hands.

"Whatever," I said while hopping off the table. "I'm going back to my room with Rain." While leaving Bruce asking Tony who Rain was could be heard.

Making my way down towards my floor Rain was right there waiting for me. It was actually nice since not many people do that for me. "Fox." She greeted in my head as we both started walking towards my room. "Are you ok?"

"Not really." Was my response as I opened the door for her to walk in before following after her. "I apparently have two marks. One of horses running and another with two red foxes together in the shape of a heart."

Her tail flicked side to side before sitting on the ground beside my bed. "I'm sorry of that was painful." She said as I took a seat on my bed. "But at least you live another day and are once again safe."

"I guess?" She rested her head at the edge of the bed. "JARVIS what time is it?"

"Two in the morning ma'am." My blue and brown eyes went wide.

"Well I'm going to bed. "Going under the covers I pulled my legs up to my chest making myself into a ball. "Night Rain."

"Night Fox."


Someone knocking many many times rapidly was starting to get super annoying. The knocking had started ten minutes ago and the person still hasn't given up yet.

With a groan I got myself out of be, over Rain, and towards the door to yell at the person who was waking me up. Although I didn't expect it to be Steve who was knocking at my door.

"Steve?" He smiled at me.

"Sorry if I woke you up but Fury is here and needs to talk with you." Raising an eyebrow he continued. "I don't know why he called for you but he did say to dress as if you were going to train."

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