Chapter 23-SHUT UP!

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Kristina's POV
  Yesterday I had spent the whole day in the forest room but I'm calling it the Forest cause saying the forest room is too much of a mouth full.

  Now it's the very next day,with me getting ready for a new day.A new day to see if something else shows like yesterday with my hyped up eyesight.

  I had already showered,brushed my hair and teeth,along with putting a green skirt and shirt,knee high black lace socks and black converse high tops.My red hair into a ponytail but left the bangs out.

  While in the medium sized kitchen I ate some cereal with banana.Bananas make everything taste or smell better.I wonder if I were to make a smoothie with gross shit in it and at the end but a few bananas would anyone just smell the bananas?I had to test that my out but for now I'll enjoy my breakfast.

  "Kat can you come up to the lab?"And there went my morning."Me and Jolly Green want to see if anything had changed about you."

  "Alright just hold up."With that I cleaned the bowl and headed towards the elevator,pressing the 31th floor button.

  When the doors opened I found Bruce walking to a table while Tony is at his table eating blueberries.

  "Kat,"Tony said while walking towards him."Blueberry?"He held out the carton of blueberries towards me.

  "Gladly."I took a hand full of blueberries before walking over to Bruce."You called forth for me."

  He turns around with a smile on his face."I was wondering if you could come in here everyday in the morning just so we,"Bruce stops to look over at Tony who is eating more blueberries."So I can keep your progress on the whole fox things."

  "Ok.So since eyesight and speed are out of the way that only leaves smell,hearing,touch,and taste."There was a small explosion from behind us.

  Looking back it was Tony."Sorry.Was trying something out while the two of you were talking.Please continue."

  "Lets go into a quitter room."I nod my head in agreement.Bruce opened a door and we both went inside of."This room is super quite and it's really hard to hear anything else from outside."

  "Sweet but what are we going to do first?"Bruce left the room for a few seconds before coming back inside with a blind fold in hand and something behind his back."Your going to blind fold me aren't you and then test the things you have behind your back?"

  "Yes so close your eyes."Smiling just about I close my red and I could feel the blindfold over my eyes before opening my eyes once more to darkness."I'm going to hand you something and try to guess what it is."

  Something was placed in my hands.It was round.But there was a handle.It's a cup.But something was throwing me off.All around the cup it was warm,meaning that something was inside.But what?

  A list of drinks that are warm came to mind.But there were too many to tell which one it was.Sighing once I gave him an answer.

  "It's a cup or mug.Theres something warm inside I just don't know what's inside."The blindfold was taken off and the lights blinded me for a bit before they adjusted.

  Looking down it was in fact a mug but there was coffee inside."That ruled out touch and smell."Bruce takes the mug from me."Next is taste and hearing."He left and I stayed in the room swinging my legs like a little kid.

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